GV10/3080: Week by Week View






Reading CGVE * 1

Reading FvD * 2

Suggested Exercises


* Introduction

* Creating an image using ray tracing

* David Swapp

* The painter's method

* Background maths

* Ray casting using a simple camera

* World / image coordinates

* Introduction

* Points, Vectors, Lines, Spheres and Matrices

* Mathematics of the Simple Camera

Chaps 1, 2.1-2.3, 5

1.1-1.4, 4.1-4.4, 5.1, 13.4


* Creating an image using ray tracing

* Specifying a general camera

* David Swapp

* Local illumination

* Global illumination with recursive ray tracing

* Creation of an arbitrary camera

* Ray tracing with an arbitrary camera

* Local Illumination

* Ray Tracing

* General Camera

Chaps 6,7

11.1-11.4, 14.7, 6.1-6.7

Ray tracing and camera calculations


* Constructing a scene

* Jan Kautz

* Definition of polyhedra

* Scene hierarchy

* Transformations of objects/rays

* Other modelling techniques

*Planes and Polygons

*Ray Tracing Polyhedra

*Scene Graphs

Chap 8

5.1-5.9, 7.1-7.6


* From ray tracing to projecting polygons

* Jan Kautz

* Transforming the polygons to image space

* Sutherland- Hodgman clipping

* Weiler-Atherton clipping

* Scan conversion  

* Projection

* Clipping Polygons

* Scan Conversion

Chaps 9,10, 13, Appendix A

14.2, 3.1-3.5

General Camera


* Polygon rasterization

* Jan Kautz

* Z-buffer

* Interpolated shading

* Texture mapping

* OpenGL

* Depth Rasterization

* Texturing and Shading

* OpenGL: A Graphics Standard

Chap 13


Reading Week


* The nature of light, Radiosity Method (I)

* Jan Kautz

* Transport theory, radiance, luminance, radiosity

* The radiance equation

* Classical radiosity

* The Radiance Equation

* Radiosity

Chaps 14, 3


Global Illumination Compendium


* Radiosity method (II), Shadows

* Jan Kautz

* Substructuring

* Progressive refinement

* Shadow volumes

* Shadow buffer

* Radiosity

* Shadows

Chap 15




* Visible surface determination

* Acceleration Techniques

* Jan Kautz

* Back face culling

* Visibility culling

* BSP trees

* Bounding volumes, space subdivision

* Visibility Determination

* Binary Space Partitioning Trees

* Acceleration techniques

Chaps 11, 12, 16

13.1-13.5, 3.1-3.5, 14.7, 14.9  

Visibility calculations

Accelerating ray tracing


* Parametric curves and surfaces

* Jan Kautz

* Bezier Curves

* Bezier Surfaces

* Introduction

* Bezier Algorithm

* Bezier Surfaces

Chap 19


* Parametric curves and surfaces

* Jan Kautz

* B-Splines Curves

* B-Spline Curves

Chap 19



  1. CGVE = Computer Graphics And Virtual Environments - From Realism to Real-Time. Mel Slater, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Anthony Steed, ISBN 0201-62420-6, Addison-Wesley, 2002. This is the course text. It covers the course in detail.
  2. FvD = J Foley, A van Dam, SK Feiner, JF Hughes, RR Phillips, Introduction to Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley, 1994, ISBN 0-201-60921-5. This is for extra background only. It used to be the standard text book, but it now mostly obsolete

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