Professor Jade Alglave, FREng
Since March 2018, I am also working at Arm, where I am responsible for the memory model.
Puss In Boots: on formalizing Arm's Virtual Memory System Architecture (in IEEE Micro 2024)
Armed cats: formal concurrency modelling at Arm (in TOPLAS 2021)
Frightening small children and disconcerting grown-ups: Concurrency in the Linux kernel (in ASPLOS 2018)
Don't sit on the fence: a static analysis approach to automatic fence insertion (journal version of CAV 2014, in TOPLAS 2017)
Ogre and Pythia: an invariance proof method for weak consistency models (in POPL 2017)
Syntax and semantics of LISA (on Arxiv, 2016)
Syntax and semantics of cat (on Arxiv, 2016)
Modelling of Architectures: Choose your own adventure in herding cats (in SFM 2015)
GPU concurrency: weak behaviours and programming assumptions (in ASPLOS 2015)
Don't sit on the fence: a static analysis approach to automatic fence insertion (in CAV 2014)
Herding cats: modelling, simulation, testing, and data-mining for weak memory (in TOPLAS 2014)
Weakness is a virtue (position paper, in EC2 2013)
Partial Orders for Efficient Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Software (in CAV 2013)
Software Verification for Weak Memory via Program Transformation (in ESOP 2013)
A Formal Hierarchy of Weak Memory Models (in FMSD 2012, Volume 41, Number 2)
An Axiomatic Memory Model for Power Multiprocessors (in CAV 2012)
Synchronising C/C++ and Power (in PLDI 2012)
Fences in Weak Memory Models (Extended Version) (journal version of CAV 2010, in FMSD 2012, Volume 40, Number 2)
Soundness of Data Flow Analyses for Weak Memory
Models (in APLAS 2011)
Making Software Verification Tools Really Work
(invited paper, in ATVA 2011)
Stability in Weak Memory Models (in CAV 2011)
Understanding Power Multiprocessors (in PLDI 2011)
Litmus: Running Tests Against Hardware (in TACAS 2011)
Fences in Weak Memory Models (in CAV 2010)
Relaxed Memory Models Must Be Rigorous (in EC2 2009)
The Semantics of x86-CC Multiprocessor Machine Code (in POPL 2009)
The Semantics of Power and ARM Multiprocessor Machine Code (in DAMP 2009)
The diy+herd tool suite
herd: a generic simulator that takes as input a memory model defined in our home-made DSL (.cat).
diy and litmus: a tool suite for generating and running
tests in PowerPC and x86 assembly against hardware.
offence: a tool for enforcing stability
to x86 and Power assembly programs, i.e. the program has nothing but SC
Software analysis
musketeer: a tool for placing synchronisation in C code (e.g. memcached).
mole: a tool looking for weak memory cycles in C code (e.g. Debian packages).
CBMC: an extension of CBMC that
handles weak memory via partial orders.
goto-instrument: a tool for
transforming a C program so that the transformed program's SC executions are
all the executions the initial program could have on a weak architecture.
Coq developments
Ph.D. Thesis
818 Pumpkin
- C'est bon la salade !
- J'aime le mardi !
- Ceci n'est pas la page web de Samuel Mimram.