This web page contains pointers to the full text of projects I have supervised, since
2004, when I began keeping a record.
For all sorts of reasons, I do not give the grades awarded to these projects, so
you will find here more than one level of achievement.
Each year there is a single prize for the best MSC project within the department.
I have been fortunate enough to supervise students who have received this award in the past and
I indicate those who have received it below.
I make them available here as a resource for future students and also as a record
for myself and others.
I have not had project student who has not taught me
something, and I am grateful to my students for allowing
me to show their projects publicly on this web page.
MSc Projects 2008-2009
I now have 8 MSc project students for the 2008-2009 session.
A list of project topics is available.
MSc Projects 2007-2008
A group photo is available.
Only six of the seven students made it to the photo call.
MSc Projects 2006-2007
A group photo is available.
Only six of the ten students made it to the photo call.
Ahsraful Hasan
Testing GUI based systems
MSc Projects 2005-2006
A group photo is available.
Shin Yoo (winner of best MSc project 2006 prize)
MSc Projects 2004-2005
Nadia Alshahwan (winner of best MSc project 2005 prize)
Mark Harman,
Professor of Software Engineering,
Software Engineering Group,
Department of Computer Science,
King's College London,
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7848 2895
FAX: +44 (0)20 7848 2851
e-mail: my first name followed by the at symbol then
Sensitivity Analysis for Search-Based Software Project Management
Stefan Gueorguiev
Using SBSE for Project Management Optimisation: Finding Robust Pro ject Plans
Seyed Ghotbi
Testing Multi Agent Systems
Shamaila Hussain
Mutation Clustering
Muhammad Ali Malik
Model Based Testing With Guaranteed Branch Coverage Using a Systematic Approach
Mir Shahdad
Amorphous Slicing Of C-Programs
Jianheng Wu
Not Yet Available
The work in Stefan Gueorguiev's thesis was developed in collaboration with Giulio Antoniol and was accepted for publication at GECCO, where it won a "best at GECCO" award for the best SBSE track paper:-
Giulio Antoniol,
Stefan Gueorguiev and
Mark Harman
Software Project Planning for Robustness and Completion Time in the Presence of Uncertainty using Multi Objective Search Based Software Engineering
ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2009).
Montreal, Canada,
8 - 12 July 2009.
To Appear
The work by Shamaila Hussain on Mutant clustering, was developed by other authors and published by them in SEKE. We also plan to publish a version of this MSc work presently. The SEKE reference is:-
Changbin Ji, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu, Zhihong Zhao: A Novel Method of Mutation Clustering Based on Domain Analysis. SEKE 2009: 422-425
Testing Aspect-Oriented Software
Kaanagasabai Sriskathaverl (winner of the MSc Special Prize for Exceptional Performance across all MSc Computer Science Programmes)
Amorphous Slicing of C Programs with TXL
Yassir Jafar (winner of the Best Overall Result for examined units across all of the MSc Computer Science Programmes prize)
Clone detection using pictorial similarity in slice trace
Syed Islam
Dependence Cluster Analysis
Yue Jia
Clone Detection Using Dependence Analysis and Lexical Analysis
Chun Jiang
Automated test data generation for model based systems
Jian Ren
Sensitivity Analysis in Multi–objective Next Release Problem and Fairness Analysis in Software Requirements Engineering
Ali Shahid
Pareto Efficient Multi-Objective Test Case Selection
The work in Feyezin Islam's thesis was subsequnetly developed and published by myself, Fayezin and colleagues:
Mark Harman,
Fayezin Islam,
Tao Xie
Stefan Wappler.
Automated Test Data Generation for Aspect-Oriented Programs
8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD '09)
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA,
2nd - 6th March 2009.
The work in Syed Islam's MSc thesis was developed by myself and colleagues and published in the Journal of Systems and Software:-
David Binkley,
Mark Harman,
Youssef Hassoun,
Syed Islam
Zheng Li
Assessing the Impact of Global Variables on Program Dependence and Dependence Clusters
Journal of Systems and Software.
To appear.
The work in Jian Ren's thesis was subsequnetly developed and published by myself, Jian and colleagues:
Anthony Finkelstein,
Mark Harman,
Afshin Mansouri ,
Jian Ren and
Yuanyuan Zhang.
"Fairness Analysis" in Requirements Assignments
16th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'08)
Barcelona, Spain,
8th-12th September 2008.
The conference paper was invited to be submitted, in extended form for the Journal, Requirements Engineering, for which it was also accepted:-
Anthony Finkelstein,
Mark Harman,
Afshin Mansouri ,
Jian Ren and
Yuanyuan Zhang.
A Search Based Approach to Fairness Analysis in Requirements Assignments to Aid Negotiation, Mediation & Decision Making
Requirements Engineering
To appear.
Jian, myself and Shin also worked on the development of his MSc work, which was accepted for publication at GECCO 09 (as mentioned below in connection with Shin Yoo's MSc work).
The use of a novel semi-exhaustive search algorithm for the analysis of data sensitivity in a feature subset selection problem
Ben Cook
Search algorithms for regression test suite minimisation
Maryum Umar
An evaluation of mutation operators for equivalent mutants
Fahim Qureshi
Search based approaches to understanding management choices
Nadisha Di Silva
Search algorithms for ideal optimal mobile phone feature sets
Yigang Zhang
Empirical study of different algorithms for search based slicing
Nan Wu
Empirical study of fitness functions for search based slicing
The work in Shin Yoo's MSc thesis was developed by myself and Jian Ren, in collaboration with Shin (who was then a PhD student)
and has been accepted for publication at GECCO 2009:-
Mark Harman,
Jens Krinke,
Jian Ren and
Shin Yoo
Search Based Data Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Requirement Engineering
ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2009).
Montreal, Canada,
8 - 12 July 2009.
To Appear
The work in Fahim Qureshi's thesis was subsequnetly developed and published by myself, Fahim and colleagues:
Giulio Antoniol,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Mark Harman and
Fahim Qureshi.
The effect of communication overhead on software maintenance project staffing: a Search-based approach
23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
(ICSM 2007).
2-5 October 2007,
Paris, France.
Automated Regression Testing of Web Applications
Bojan Andonovski
Side Effect Removal Transformation
Mathulan Ganeshan
WebMark: A bug free WWW
Samer Hamood
C slicer (using the parallel slicing algorithm)
Kiran Lakhotia
Implementation of a Transformation Algorithm
(for flag removal with applications to evolutionary testing)
Mohammed Sidat
Automated Stress Testing of Web Applications using User Session Data
The work in Nadia Alshahwan's thesis was subsequently developed and published by Nadia and myself:
Nadia Alshahwan and
Mark Harman
Automated Session Data Repair for Web Application Regression Testing
1st International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2008)
Lillehammer, Norway,
April 9-11 2008