Here is a list of related publications.

Our publications

Williams M, Liu ZW, Hunter A, Macbeth F et al., 2015, An updated systematic review of lung chemo-radiotherapy using a new evidence aggregation method, LUNG CANCER, Vol: 87, Pages: 290-295, ISSN: 0169-5002

A Hunter and M Williams (2014) Aggregation of Clinical Evidence using Argumentation: A Tutorial Introduction, Foundations of Biomedical Knowledge Representation, edited by Arjen Hommersom and Peter Lucas, Springer, (in press).

Hunter A, Williams M, 2012, Aggregating evidence about the positive and negative effects of treatments, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol: 56, Pages: 173-190, ISSN: 0933-3657

A Hunter and M Williams (2010) Using Clinical Preferences in Argumentation about Evidence from Clinical Trials, Proceedings of the First ACM International Health Informatics Symposium , ACM Press, pages 118-129.

Gorogiannis N, Hunter A, Williams M, 2009, An argument-based approach to reasoning with clinical knowledge, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol: 51, Pages: 1-22, ISSN: 0888-613X

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