Lacing: how to

How lacing works

Lacing is made across a pricking pattern which is then pinned. The thread, which is wound onto bobbins which are then pleated and knotted along the pinned pattern.

The structure of the lace is made across the pins creating a self-contained structural material. As the lace is made the pins and the pricking pattern are removed.


To start with the threads are tied at the top of the material.

Then the bobbins are pleated to create a continuous pattern

The pin creates knotting points which can be pleated around or 'croched' around

using the pin to knot the threads

using a croching needle to knot the threads

using multiple pins



Lacing and pleating technique:

Industrial lacing:



Ideas for model

How to lace

More about agents

Lace patterns

lace video



director files
PC files
just in case files