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PRESENCCIA in the News....

Welcome to the Press Releases section of the PRESENCCIA project website. As PRESENCCIA partners come from different countries, you will find press reports in different languages.


Euronews: "Where the virtual world and reality meet"

Towards Immersive Journalism: "The IPSRESS File"

El Pais, Virtual Guantanamo , 14 July 2009

ICT, A (virtual) smart home controlled by your thoughts , May 2009

ICT, When virtual reality feels real , May 2009

The Economist, Public order: The kindness of crowds, March 2009


"UABDivulga" An interview with Mel Slater, June 2008

"The Times" newspaper, The latest trend in medicine - virtual reality , 17 May 2008

"El Pais" newspaper, "Las nuevas técnicas permiten viajar al centro del cerebro" 23 April 2008

National Academy of Engineering, Engineering Grand Challenges, "Enhance virtual reality"

"El Pais" newspaper, "La próxima evolución" 19 February 2008


New Scientist magazine, "Anti-social bot invades Second Lifers' personal space" 2 November 2007

"Muy interesante", Science magazine, "Experiencias extracorporeas de laboratorio: Ilusiones a la carta". No. 318, November 2007 edition

YouTube video, "Select words by thinking".

WDR-(West Germany broadcasting), Tuesday 25.9.07, 21.00-21.45: "Quarks & Co"VideoPodcast of the whole program, BCI part at 27min 45 sec, 84 Mb

"El Periodico" de Catalunya, "Una feria muestra en BCN las ilusiones que genera el cerebro". PRESENCCIA Partners, Instituto de Neurociencias (UMH) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) took part in a Brain Fair on Sunday 29 October 2007 at Sala Razzmatazz in Barcelona

Artfutura, "An interactive mixed reality performance". Re(PER)curso is a mixed reality performance in which a human dancer and a percussionist interact and communicate with a virtual performer. 26 October 2007

BBC News, "Overcoming your virtual fears" 22 October 2007

Science magazine, article refers to Milgram experiment "The Promise of Parallel Universes" 7 September 2007

Video interview with Science magazine,"Virtual Worlds: The Promise of Parallel Universes" .Podcast host Robert Frederick narrates a special video accompaniment to "The Promise of Parallel Universes" article on doing research in online virtual worlds, from Science's 7 September 2007 special issue on social cognition.

e-boletín SENC, revista electrónica de la Sociedad Española de Neurociencia, número 1, septiembre de 2007, debate células, página 18, "Body Consciousness: Brain Mechanisms of Representation of the Self and others" 1 September 2007

Out-of-body experiences" press releases:

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, "Understanding and Realizing Presence in the Presenccia Project" July/August 2007

"Heraldo de Soria", front page photo and article about the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), July 2007

"Heraldo de Soria", Prof. S. Anglioti and Prof. M. Sanchez-Vives interviews, July 2007

"Heraldo de Soria", Neuroscience Seminar, July 2007

Conversations on Presence - Peach Interview with Mel Slater - "If you respond as if it were real, then it is Presence" June 2007

New Scientist, article about the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) "Virtual world sharpens mind-control", June 2007

"Diario El Pais", newspaper article on the Milgram experiment, 12 May 2007 (pdf document)


  • The ecstasy and the agony of living in a virtual world - Psychological experiments that were stopped 40 years ago because of ethical concerns could instead be conducted in cyberspace in the future (original paper).
  • "The Observer", British Sunday newspaper, 2nd. July 2006 edition. Newspaper article on Presenccia.

    Disclaimer: Although PRESENCCIA is pleased to announce the news stories that are linked to The Observer's article, we cannot take responsibility for incorrect reporting since we have no editorial control over what appears. There is a list of some corrections of fact that we have spotted.

  • "Diario Información de Alicante", newspaper article on PRESENCCIA (html version) . Edition nº 1715 of 19 June 2006 (jpg version).

  • Mention of PRESENCCIA on 2nd. Newsletter of "Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)", FET through the Keyhole

    "FET is the Information Societies Technologies Programme nursery of novel and emerging scientific ideas. Its mission is to promote research that is of a long-term nature or involves particularly high risks, compensated by the potential of a significant societal or industrial impact."

Copyright 2006 Presenccia Project