Self-paced exploration of the Austrian National Library through thought
Leeb, R., Settgast, V., Fellner, D., Pfurtscheller, G. -
International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 4, 237-244
Centrally controlled heart rate changes during mental practice in immersive virtual
environment: A case study with a tetraplegic
Pfurtscheller, G., Leeb, R., Friedman, D., Slater, M. -International Journal of Psychophysiology, in press, 2007.
Self-paced (asynchronous) BCI control of a wheelchair in
Virtual Environments: A case study with a tetraplegic
Leeb, R., Friedman, D., Müller-Putz, G. R., Scherer, R., Slater, M., and
Pfurtscheller, G. -
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience special issue: "Brain-Computer
Interfaces: Towards Practical Implementations and Potential
Applications", pp.1-8, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/79642
What Are Lightness Illusions and Why Do We See Them?
Whole-Body Vibration Influences Sound Localization in the Median Plane
Tajadura-Jiménez1, A., Väljamäe1, A., Kitagawa, N., Hsin-Ni Ho -
PRESENCE 2007 conference paper. Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Barcelona, Spain, October 25-27, 2007
When What You Hear is What You See: Presence and Auditory-Visual Integration in Virtual Environments
P. Larsson, P., Västfjäll, D., Olsson, P., Kleiner, M. - Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Barcelona, Spain, October 25-27, 2007
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Consciousness of the Self and the Body and Presence Studies
Sanchez-Vives, M. V., Slater, M. - Poster presentation - Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Barcelona, Spain, October 25-27, 2007
The Experimental Induction of Out-of-Body Experiences
Body Consciousness: Brain Mechanisms of Representation of the Self and others
Sánchez Vives, M. V., Slater,M., Moya,F. -
e-boletín SENC, revista electrónica de la Sociedad Española de Neurociencia, número 1, septiembre de 2007, debate células, página 18
Towards asynchronous (uncued) Brain-Computer Communication: Navigation through virtual worlds
R. Scherer, F. Lee, R. Leeb, A. Schl H. Bischof, and G.
Pfurtscheller, -
IEEE Trans Biomed
Eng, in press, 2007
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Controlling a virtual body by thought in a highly-immersive virtual environment
Leeb, R., Pfurtscheller, G., Friedman, D., Dikovsky, L., Reiner, M., Slater, M. - GRAPP 2007, pp. 83-90, Barcelona, Spain, March 2007
Brain-Computer Communication: Motivation, aim and impact of exploring a virtual apartment
Leeb, R., Student Member IEEE, Lee, F., Keinrath, C., Scherer, R.,
Bischof, H., Member IEEE, Pfurtscheller, G., Member IEEE -
IEEE Trans Neural Syst
Rehabil Eng, in press, 2007
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A fingertip haptic display for improving local perception of shape cues
Massimiliano Solazzi Antonio Frisoli Fabio Salsedo Massimo Bergamasco -
Conference: Proceedings of Worldhaptic Conference, March 22-24, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan
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Roles for the Subiculum in Spatial Information Processing, Memory, Motivation and the Temporal Control Of Behaviour
O'Mara1, S. M, Sanchez-Vives, M. V., Brotons-Mas, J. R. - Special Issue of Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. Editors: Dr Gernot Riedel and Dr Jurij Brankack, 2007
Interactive multimedia chronicle: from soundscape to audiovisual
Mura, A., Manzolli, J., Le Groux, S., Mattew, Z., Zimmerli, L., Bernardet, U., Verschure, P. - Abstracts for the Peach Summerschool, Santorini, Greece, 4th-6th July, 2007
Mixed Reality Interactive Narrative in the eXperience Induction Machine
-- XIM
Platero, C., Mura, A., Parés, N., Bernardet, U., Verschure, P. - Abstracts for the Peach Summerschool, Santorini, Greece, 4th-6th July, 2007
Tracking for Distributed Mixed Reality Environments
Newman, J., Bornik, A. , Pustka, D., Echtler, F., Huber, M., Schmalstieg, D., Klinker G. - IEEE VR 2007 Workshop on 'Trends and Issues in Tracking for Virtual Environments', Charlotte, NC, USA, Mar 11, 2007
Field Dependency and the Sense of Object-Presence in Haptic Virtual Environments
Threatening a rubber hand that you feel is yours elicits a cortical anxiety
Ehrsson H.H., Wiech K., Weiskopf N., Dolan R.J., Passingham R.E. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 21
The Rehabilitation Gaming System: A virtual reality based system for the
diagnostics and rehabilitation of sensory-motor deficits.
Cameirao, M.S., Bermudez i Badia, S., Duarte Oller, E., Zimmerli, L., and Verschure,
P.F.M.J. - Proceedings of Virtual
Rehabilitation 2007, 27-29 September, Venice, Italy.
A virtual reality system for motor and cognitive neurorehabilitation.
Cameirao, M.S., Bermudez i Badia, S., Zimmerli, L., and Verschure, P.F.M.J. - Proceedings of AAATE 2007, 3-5 October, San Sebastian, Spain.
VR-RoBoser: Real-Time Adaptive
Sonification of Virtual Environments Based on Avatar Behavior.
Sylvain Le Groux, Jonatas Manzolli, Paul FMJ Verschure. - In proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression June 2007 New York, NY
Effects of Sonic Features on the Affective States of Dementia Patients: A
Pilot Study
Sylvain Le Groux, Zenon Mathews, Melissa Brotons, Jonatas Manzolli, Patricia Marti, Paul
FMJ Verschure. - 17th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Louisiana State
University Baton Rouge, LA. March 2007.
A Study on the Influence of Sonic
Features on the Affective State of Dementia Patients
Sylvain Le Groux Melissa Brotons, Paul FMJ Verschure. - 9th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe 2007 San Sebastian, Spain
A Novel Brain-Based Approach for Multi-Modal Multi-Target Tracking in a Mixed Reality Space
Mathews, Z., Bermúdez i Badia, S., Verschure, P.F.M.J. - (Accepted) 4th INTUITION International Conference and Workshop 2007, 4-5 October Athens,Greece
Interactive multimedia chronicle: from soundscape to audiovisual experience
Anna Mura, Jonatas Manzolli, Sylvain Le Groux, Zenon Mattew, Lukas Zimmerli, Ulysses
Bernardet and Paul Verschure. - (PEACH conference Santorini (Greece) 3-6th of July 2007
New Technologies and Concepts for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Collaborative Matrix
Duff, F. Erol, T. Ettlin, T. Keller, J. Kesselring, T. Nef, P. Pyk, R. Riener, F. Tosi,
P. F. M. J. Verschure, L. Zimmerli - Neurodegenerative Disease. 4(1)57-69.
Audio-visual interactions in dynamic scenes: implications for multisensory compression
Väljamäe A., and Soto-Faraco, S. - invited paper at 9th
International Congress on Acoustics, ICA’07, Madrid
Auditory-visual perception of room size invirtual environments
Larsson A., and Väljamäe A. - invited paper at 9th
International Congress on Acoustics, ICA’07, Madrid
Filling-in visual motion with sound
Väljamäe A., and Soto-Faraco, S. - poster presentation at IMRF, Sydney, 2007
A. Embodied cognition and emotion in multisensory media
Tajadura-Jiménez, A. - Technical report: lic 2007:1, Licentiate Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2007
Affecting emotional experience with
auditory-vibrotactile heartbeat false feedback
Tajadura, A., Väljamäe, A., Västfjäll, D. -
International Multisensory Research Forum, Dublin, 2006 .
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Perceptual Optimization of Audio-Visual
Media: Moved by Sound
Väljamäe, A., Tajadura A. -
Presented at CCSMI Conference: Narration and
Spectatorship in Moving Images: Perception, Imagination, Emotion. Potsdam, Germany, 2006 .
First steps towards the NIRS-based Graz-BCI
Leeb R., Bauernfeind G., Wriessnegger S., Scharfetter H., Pfurtscheller G. -
3rd International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop and Training Course 2006..
Setup of the NIRS based Graz-BCI
Bauernfeind G., Leeb R., Wriessnegger S., Scharfetter H., Pfurtscheller G. -
BMT 2006..
Scouting through a virtual apartment
Leeb R., Lee F., Bischof H., Pfurtscheller G. -
BMT 2006..
Post movement beta synchronization after kinesthetic illusion, active and passive movements
Keinrath C., Wriessnegger S., Müller-Putz G. R., Pfurtscheller G. -
Int. J. of Psychophysiology (in press, 2006)..
Combining BCI and virtual reality: Scouting virtual worlds
Leeb, R., Scherer, R., Friedman, D., Lee, F., Keinrath, C., Bischof, H., et al. -
In G. Dornhege, R. Millan Jdel, T. Hinterberger, D. J. McFarland & K. R. Müller (Eds.), Towards brain-computer interfacing: MIT Press. (in press, 2006)..
Frontal functions, connectivity and neural efficiency underpinning hypnosis
and hypnotic susceptibility
Gruzelier, J.H. -
Contemp Hypnosis. 23, 15-32.
Validating the efficacy of on neurofeedback for optimising performance
Gruzelier, J.H., Egner, T., Vernon, D. -
In C. Neuper , W. Klimesch, Event-related dynamics of brain oscillations. Progress in Brain Research, 159, in press (2006)..
Relaxation strategies and enhancement of hypnotic susceptibility:
EEG neurofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation and self-hypnosis.
Batty, M. J., Hawken, M.B., Bonnington, S, Tang, B-K, Gruzelier, J.H. -
Brain Research Bulletin, accepted for publication (2006)..
Construction of Data Flow Networks for Tracking in
Augmented Reality Applications.
Pustka, Daniel -
Proc. Dritter Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte
Realität der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, Koblenz, Germany (September 2006)..
Spatial Relationship Patterns: Elements of Reusable Tracking and
Calibration Systems.
Pustka, D., Huber, M., Bauer, M., and
Klinker, G. -
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR06), Santa Barbara, USA (October 2006)..
Predicting and Estimating the Accuracy of Vision-Based Optical
Tracking Systems.
Bauer, M., Schlegel, M., Pustka, D., Navab, N. and
Klinker, G. -
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR06), Santa Barbara, USA (October 2006)..
Modelling and Handling Seams in Wide-Area Sensor Networks.
Newman, J., Schall, G., Schmalstieg, D. -
Tenth International Symposium On Wearable Computing, Montreux, Switzerland. Pages 51-54 (Oct 11-14, 2006)..
Neural processing of Spatial Information: What we know about Place cells and what they can tell us about.
Brotons-Mas, J., O´Mara, S. & Sanchez-Vives, M. V. - Presence. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (in press October 2006). .
A Virtual Reprise of the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiments.
Slater, M., Antley, A., Davison, A., Swapp, D., Guger, C., Barker, C., Pistrang, N. & Sanchez-Vives, M. V. -
PLOS One (in press, Nov 2006)..
Walking by thinking: The brainwaves are crucial, not the muscles!.
¹This paper made the MIT Press' list of "Top 25" downloaded articles for the journal.
Leeb, R., Keinrath, C., Friedman, D., Guger, C., Scherer, R., Neuper, C., Garau, M., Antley, A., Steed, A., Slater, M., Pfurtscheller, G. -
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol.15 (5), pp.500-514, 2006. .
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EEG-based 'walking' of a tetraplegic in virtual reality
Leeb, R., Friedman, D., Scherer, R., Müller-Putz, G.R., Slater, M., Pfurtscheller, G. -
MAIA Project - Workshop 2006 "Challenging Brain Computer Interfaces: Neural Engineering Meets Clinical Needs in Neurorehabilitation", November 9-10 2006, Roma, Italy.
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Title of poster: Communication and Interaction in the Persistent
Mixed Reality Environment P-CLUB
Zimmerli L., Duff A.,Mura A., Eng K., Bermudez i Badia S., Bernardet U., Mathews Z., Verschure P. - Workshop: The enhancement of multilingual
communication and learning through technology, November 19-24. Ascona, Italy
Asynchronous (self-paced) Brain-Computer Communication: Exploring the "freeSpace" Virtual
Scherer R, Lee F, Bischof H, Pfurtscheller G - Brain-Computer Interface Workshop and Training
Course, Graz, Austria, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz:110-111. 2006
Multimodal Virtual Environments: Response Times, Attention, and Presence