After graduating from the University Erlangen-Nürnberg with a degree in Computer Science, I left Germany and went to the University of Waterloo, where I received an MMath. After finishing my MMath, I returned to Germany and joined the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik as a PhD student with a focus on real-time rendering. For my PhD work, I was awarded the Eduard-Martin-Award from the Saarland University and the Otto-Hahn-Medal from the Max-Planck Society. In 2003, I came to MIT as a post-doctorial researcher with the computer graphics group, funded by a DFG Emmy-Noether Fellowship and a DAAD Fellowship. I left MIT in March 2006 and joined the University College London as a Lecturer (corresponds to Assistant Professor) in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics Group. Since October 2012 I am a Professor of Visual Computing.
I (co-)chaired the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2007, the IEEE/EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2008, Pacific Graphics 2011, and the European Conference on Visual Media Production 2012. I am currently on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics and The Visual Computer.
A full CV is available here.