Clovis Chapman
Department of Computer Science,
University College London,
Malet Place, WC1E 6BT, London, UK
tel: +44 (0) 207 679 7758
mail: c.chapman [ at ]
Recent Publications:
Clovis Chapman et al. (2010) Software Architecture Definition for On-demand Cloud Provisioning. HPDC 2010. [ link ]

Luis Vaquero et al. (2010) Principles, Methodology and Tools for Engineering Cloud Computing Systems. (IGI Global) [ link ]

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Who am I?

Update (September 2013): I have recently joined the newly formed Computational Marketing Team in Groupon, Int. (Dublin, Ireland). You may contact me at cchapman [at]

Update (October 2011): I am no longer at UCL and have now joined the Dell Cloud Research and Development Center (Dublin, Ireland). You may contact me at Clovis_Chapman [at]

I am a research fellow in the Computer Science Department of University College London. I am working on the RESERVOIR (Resources and Virtualization without Barriers project) FP7 Project led by IBM where we are concerned with building an open and interoperable cloud computing infrastructure . You can read more about my work [ here ].

I recently obtained my PhD from University College London, where I examined the problem of scheduling in best-effort computational grids [ thesis ].

I also on occasion act as a software consultant in the areas of Web development, clouds and grids, and my C.V is available [ here ].


About me



  • PhD, Computer Science, University College London: An Adaptive and Cooperative Scheduling System for Best-Effort Computational Grids [ link ]

  • MSc Data communications Network And distributed Systems (DCNDS), University College London

  • Currently employed as a research fellow on the RESERVOIR FP7 project [ link ]