Engineering Front Executive Suite, Roberts Building, UCL (Directions, or 'C5' on the map here, or Find it on Google maps).
10:00 Arrival, Coffee
10.30 Welcome and Introductions
Mark Harman, CREST Centre, Department of Computer Science
11.15 Dynamic Learning Gaussian Process Bandits (Slides)
Diogo Dubart Norinho, UCL
12.00 Refreshments
12.15 Coherent Dependence Clusters (Slides)
Syed Islam, CREST Centre, Department of Computer Science
13.00 Sandwich lunch at the venue
13.45 A Performance Analysis of Distributed Indexing using Terrier (Slides)
Amaury Couste, Jakub Kozłowski and William Martin, UCL
14.30 AUSTIN: An Open Source Tool for Search Based Software Testing of C Programs (Slides)
Kiran Lakhotia, CREST Centre, Department of Computer Science
15.15 Refreshments
15.45 Automatic Correction of Topic Coherence (Slides)
William Martin and John Shawe-Taylor, UCL
16.30 Search-Based Approaches for Software Development Effort Estimation (Slides)
Federica Sarro, CREST Centre, Department of Computer Science
17.15 Prizes and Discussion
17.45 Wrap up