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The StuConOS conference is aimed at current undergraduate and masters students. The conference will give students a chance to submit their work and to have this reviewed by a programme committee of experts. We interpret the word "optimisation" in its very broad sense: anything that improves (in any way) software or the process of making it. It will give students an initial taste of research work and a chance to publish and discuss their ideas with experts. The programme committee will review the submissions and decide on those to be accepted and the prizes to be awarded. All authors will receive feedback on their work and those accepted for the conference will be published as UCL Research Notes and presented (by one of the authors) at the conference. Submissions with at least one author who is not a UCL student are permitted provided that the work is primarily that of a currently registered UCL undergraduate or masters student, who is also an author of the submission and who will be presenting the work if accepted and who will also be receiving the prize money if awarded. UCL students who have graduated in 2012 or 2011 are also welcome to make a submission.
There will be a prizes for the best three papers submitted in the form of a gold, silver and bronze medal which will be accompanied by a gift of £500, £300 and £200 respectively.
Papers must be written in English, and should be formatted according to the ACM authoring guidelines ( Three forms of paper will be considered:
1. Research papers: These can be up to 10 pages in length, including references and should describe the design, implementation and results obtained from an approach to software optimisation. Research papers will be reviewed for the originality of the ideas and the rigour of the evaluation and results presented as well as the overall writing style and exposition of related work.
2. Position papers: a position paper sets out an idea or the "position" of the author on a topic. Position papers will be limited to 4 pages maximum length. Position papers will be reviewed for the originality of the ideas and as well as the overall writing style and exposition of related work.
3. Review papers: a review paper need not contain original ideas nor results from an implementation, but should cover an aspect of the research literature, explaining the findings of previous research, trends, directions, and common themes in the previous literature.
All papers should be entirely the work of the authors and not have appeared as a formal publication in any previous form. However, students may use material (text, figures, ideas, evaluation results) from their project or course work at UCL if they wish.
All papers should include at least the following: abstract, introduction, related work from the literature, conclusions and references. Advice on Search Based Optimisation research can be found in this paper:
Mark Harman, Phil McMinn, Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza and Shin Yoo. Search Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Taxonomy, Tutorial. In Empirical software engineering and verification: LASER 2009-2010, Editors: Bertrand Meyer and Martin Nordio. Published by Springer and available at here.
This advice might be helpful in preparing the paper.
Students may work individually or in teams. All those who contribute to the work must be listed as authors (with their affiliations and email addresses), and all those listed as authors should also have made a non-trivial contribution to the work reported in the paper. One of the author should be identified as the "corresponding author" who will also be one to present the work at the conference should it be accepted.