Nicolas Mellado Research Associate

Research Associate (post-doc)
Virtual Env. and Computer Graphics
Dept. of Computer Science
University College London (UCL)

Dept. of Computer Science,
Gower Street, MPEB, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom.


Last update: 29th August, 2014.
  • 29th September 2014: Our paper MCGraph: Multi-criterion representation for scene understanding has been accepted at the Siggraph Asia 2014 Workshop on Indoor Scene Understanding.
  • 19th August 2014: Our paper Adaptive multi-scale analysis for point-based surface editing has been accepted at Pacific Graphics 2014.
  • 6th July 2014: Our paper Computational Design and Construction of Notch-free Reciprocal Frame Structures has been accepted at the fourth Advances in Architectural Geometry.
  • 20th June 2014: New release for the open-source library Patate, version 0.3.2. On the menu: a Point Cloud Library (PCL) wrapper, implementation of the Surface Variation, a new plane primitive, an improved programming API, as well as more examples and testing procedures.
  • June 2014: Our paper Super 4PCS: Fast Global Pointcloud Registration via Smart Indexing has been accepted at the 11th Symposium on Geometry Processing.
    Update (11th July): our paper got the Best Paper award, also attributed to "Designing N-PolyVector Fields with Complex Polynomials", by Olga Diamanti, Amir Vaxman, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Sorkine-Hornung.
  • 25th April 2014: Modo 801 is out, you can now try our Ray-Traced Curvature texture (devel. by Bastien Perpere in collaboration with The Foundry).
  • February 2014: Our paper The Revealing Flashlight: Interactive spatial augmented reality for detail exploration of cultural heritage artefacts has been accepted to JOCCH, with Brett Ridel as first author.
  • November 2013: Post-doctoral Research Associate position started a University College London, with Niloy Mitra.

About me

I have obtained my PhD under the supervision of Patrick Reuter and Christophe Schlick the December 6th 2012, at the University of Bordeaux. The main contribution of my work is a multi-scale geometry analysis called Growing Least Square, for the multi-scale analysis of oriented point-sampled manifolds (inspired by the Scale-Space theory). This approach has been successfully applied to extract shape properties in various contexts, such as rendering, spatial augmented reality, and point-based surface editing. This work is today available as an open-source C++/Cuda header-only library called Patate, that I have started to develop when I was member of the Inria team Manao. This project is still under active development, more details can be found here. I am still in touch with the other researchers in this project, e.g. Patrick Reuter, Gael Guennebaud and Pascal Barla.

Since then I have studied other fields during my post-doc position at UCL with Niloy Mitra. I got the Best Paper award at the 12 Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014 for my work on Super4PCS, an algorithm for the fast registration of point clouds using smart indexing techniques. I am currently working on the development of an open source library implementing this technique. I have recently presented a paper at the 4th conference on Advances in Architectural Geometry, focusing on the generation and exploration of construction sequences of Reciprocal-Frame structures. I am also currently involved on other project on 3D Scene Understanding and shape matching.

For all of my projects I'm trying to publish as much resources as possible online: e.g. code, data, talk slides. I really enjoy coding and C++ is my favourite language, especially when using template programming. Cuda is also in my toolbox, and it is funny how it can be used to run header only libraries on the GPU...

I'm usually open to collaborations, so feel free to contact me at nmellado ZERO(don't write that, just type the number) at gmail dot com.