Scenario 1
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Scenario 1 – Selection and Manipulation in a Medium Space   

Overview, Results





Select the stone teapot.
Navigate to blue teapot.
Match position and orientation of the two teapots.
On correct match, teapots disappear and two new teapots appear in random positions in the environment.

Time between object matching and object regeneration -

1 second.

 Number of repetitions to complete task -

10 matches

 Tolerance for correct match -

Position = within 0.02m,
Orientation  = all 3 axes must be within 20.0 degrees

 Random position bound -

Generation within a box defined by Pmin(-2.5,0.6,-3.5) Pmax(3.5,1.6,4)  (i.e. a box 6m x 7.5m by 1m high).


Interaction Metaphors Tested


Ray Casting and Virtual Hand


Navigation Method


Pointing. Point with wand in direction of travel d, use joystick to move forwards and backwards along d. Travel constrained along ground plane and also constrained within environment boundary.



Simple rectangular kitchen. Environment size is 8m x 10m by 3m high. Contains some non-interactive objects to aid navigation (3 chairs, windmill, cupboards). Lit by 5 Point light sources, placed on ceiling at corners and in center.

Config Files


Interact Config File



VRJuggler Config File

for reactor:-UCL.reactor_all.config

for HMD:- UCL.v8_exodus.config


The results are in Excel Format, analysis will be completed soon.....

The most relevant page in the Excel Doc is the page labeled "Tables and Charts"

Experimental Results/Phase1/SelectionManipulationTLCwithSigTestsAndVHvsRCSigTests.xls