I am a research associate
in CREST centre and currently involved
with the project SLIM (SLIcing state
based Model) in
Department of Computer Science
at University College London.
I hold a PhD degree in Computer Science from King's College London, supervised by Mark Harman and Nicolas Gold
My research interests are software testing in combination with search-based techniques, source code analysis, program slicing and state based model slicing and testing.
-- Since May, 2005* PC member of the ICSM 2011
* PC member of the Regression 2011
* PC member of the SCAM 2009 and SCAM 2010
* Workshop Co-chair of ICST'09
* Publicity & Web Chair in the SCAM 2007, SCAM 2008, SCAM 2009 and SCAM 2010
* Guest Editor for the TAIC PART 2007 Special Issue of JSS
* Guest Editor for the TAIC PART 2006 Special Issue of STVR
* Project Manager of ASTReNet (2005-2008)