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The Artificial Ant Problem


The genetic programming system and the artificial ant problem [Koza1992, pages 147--155,] were set up identically to [Langdon and Poli1998] except the new training technique was used (see Table 1).

The program primitives are the same as [Koza1992, pages 147--155,] except now food items on the trail are numbered in the order we expect the ant to eat them. The shortest distance along the trail to each food item is also calculated. Only the first x are placed on the grid initially. As the ant moves and eats them new food pellets are added to the grid. When it eats food pellet n then we ensure all the uneaten food pellets up to pellet n+x are on the grid. At least 50 independent runs where carried out in each experiment.

Table 1:  Ant Problem

William B Langdon
Thu Apr 2 11:51:42 BST 1998