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Niloy J. Mitra

Professor of Geometry Processing
Virtual Env. and Computer Graphics
Dept. of Computer Science
University College London (UCL)

Dept. of Computer Science,
Room 406,
169 Euston Road, Room 406,
London NW1 2AE,
United Kingdom.

email: n.mitra(AT)

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)


My current research focus includes shape analysis, data-driven geometry processing, and computational fabrication. I am especially interested in developing structure-aware representations and abstractions involving 3D geometric data to help reason from raw image, video, or scanned data.

For our latest research, paper, code and data, please visit our group page.

Links to my Google scholar and DBLP profiles.


Niloy Mitra is a Professor of Geometry Processing in the Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL). He received his MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University under the guidance of Leonidas Guibas and Marc Levoy, and was a postdoctoral scholar with Helmut Pottmann at Technical University Vienna. His research interests include shape analysis, computational design and fabrication, and geometry processing. For details, please visit the SmartGeometryProcessing page.

Niloy received the 2013 ACM Siggraph Significant New Researcher Award for "his outstanding work in discovery and use of structure and function in 3D objects" (UCL press release), the BCS Roger Needham award (BCS press release) in 2015, and the Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award in 2019. He received the ERC Starting Grant on SmartGeometry in 2013. His work has twice been featured as research highlights in the Communications of the ACM, twice been selected by ACM Siggraph/Siggraph Asia (both in 2017) for press release as research highlight. Niloy was elected as an Eurographics Fellow in 2021. Besides research, Niloy is an active DIYer and loves reading, bouldering, and cooking.

Professional Activities

Keynotes and Invited Talks:
Nov. 2022: Inria, Nice
Oct. 2022: DIRA workshop, ECCV
Oct 2022: NGR-Co3D workshop, ECCV
Oct 2022: VOLI workshop, ECCV
Sept. 2022: SCA, Durham, UK
Aug. 2022: Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing, Oberwolfach, Germany
Oct. 2021: Unsup3D workshop, ICCV, (virtual)
Oct. 2021: DLGC workshop, ICCV, (virtual)
July 2021: LOGML summer school, London, (virtual)
June 2021: ScanNet workshop, CVPR, (virtual)
Aug. 2020: Learning 3D Representations for Shape and Appearance, ECCV, (virtual)
Aug. 2020: Holistic Scene Structures for 3D Vision, ECCV, (virtual)
May 2020: 3dGV, (virtual)
Nov. 2019: SophI.A, Sophia
April 2019: Computational Visual Media, Bath
April 2018: Eurographics, Delft
April 2018: Einstein Workshop (Geometry and Physics in Computer Graphics), Berlin
Feb. 2018: HiVisComp, Slovakia
Oct. 2017: 3DV, Qingdao
Oct. 2017: Geometry Meets Deep Learning (colocated with ICCV), Venice
Oct. 2017: IMADO (colocated with ICCV), Venice
May 2017: SCF, MIT, Boston
May 2017: SCCG, Brno
Nov. 2016: Sigma,, Marseille
May 2016: TCE, Technion, Haifa
Oct. 2015: VMV, Aachen
Sept. 2014: Parts and Attributes (co-located with ECCV), Zurich
Nov. 2013: CAD/Graphics, Hong Kong
July 2013: Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP), Genova, Italy
Mar. 2012: RIVIC workshop, Cardiff, UK
Feb. 2011 (full talk): Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing, Oberwolfach, Germany
Sept. 2010: Pacific Graphics, Hangzhou, China
June 2010: Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France
Sept. 2009: NORDIA in conjuction with ICCV, Kyoto, Japan
Conference/course chair:
2017: Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)
2016: SIGGRAPH Asia course chair
2014: Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG)
Awards chair/committee:
2019: Eurographics PhD award (chair)
2018: Eurographics PhD award (chair)
2018: Siggraph Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation award (member)
2017: Eurographics PhD award (chair)
2017: Siggraph Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation award (member)
2016: Eurographics PhD award (member)
Papers chair:
2022: Siggraph Technical Papers
2021: Eurogaphics (EG) (cochaired with Ivan Viola)
2015: Pacific Graphics (PG) (cochaired with Jos Stam and Kun Xu)
2012: Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) (cochaired with Prof. Eitan Grinspun)
2011: Shape Modeling International (SMI) (cochaired with Prof. Olga Sorkine)
Associate editor:
2018 - 2020: Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)
since 2017: Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD)
2012 - 2016: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
2010 - 2012: Visual Computer
2009 - 2013: Computers & Graphics

Hobbies and Interests

Check out what I am reading now at GoodReads.
Rock climbing
Some older videos available off my YouTube page.
Cooking, traveling

Last revised: December, 2022.