Mark Harman,
Professor of Software Engineering,
Software Systems Engineering Group,
Department of Computer Science,
University College London,
Malet Place, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.
Engineering Manager,
Facebook London.

e-mail: mark.harman the-at-symbol
Personal Assistant: Katie Bourke: crest-admin the-at-symbol; +44 (0)20 7679 0325
Mark's Picture
I am learning Chinese (rather slowly)

Mark's CV: 2 page version | 4 page version | full version (last updated August 2018)

Since February 6th 2017 Mark has been working full-time at Facebook London, but he remains a part-time professor at UCL: Mark's Facebook webpage.

Mark was the director of CREST (the Centre for Research on Evolution Search and Testing)
from its inception on 28th June 2006 to 5th February 2017, followed by Jens Krinke,
was head of SSE (Software Systems Engineering) at UCL from 2012 to 2017,
preceded by David Rosenblum, Wolfgang Emmerich, and Anthony Finkelstein; followed by Emmanuel Letier.

Since February 6th 2017 he has been a full-time Engineering Manager at Facebook London
a part-time professor of Software Engineering in CREST, SSE and the CS department at UCL.

Mark's: publications (downloadable in PDF).

Completed KCL MSc student projects 2004-2009.

Completed PhD students and their theses.

Currently on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, IET Proceedings Software, Information and Software Technology, the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, the Software Quality Journal and the Journal of Software Testing Verification & Reliability.

Previously on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Software Focus.

Organisations: JeS, BCS, IET, ACM, IEEE

Reference: Maps | UK train timetable | translate | Wikipedia | Google Scholar

CREST Repositories: on Mutation Testing | on SBSE | GP

Conferences in 2018:
ICSE(PC co-chair)
Conferences in 2017:
ICSE(PC board member), FSE(PC committee member), ICSR(keynote), SBST(keynote).
Conferences in 2016:
ICSE(PC board member), FSE(PC committee member), MobileSoft(keynote), CBSoft(keynote).
Conferences in 2015:
FSE(PC chair), ICST(keynote), NasBASE, ICSE, ASE(ERP member).
Conferences in 2014:
ICSE(PC board member), SPLC(keynote), SEAMS(keynote), FSE(PC member), ISSTA(PC member), ASE(ERP member), ICST(PC member), RE, GECCO(PC member).
Conferences in 2013:
WCRE(keynote), WeTSOM(keynote), GECCO(keynote), ICSE(PC member), FSE(PC member), SSBSE(SC chair), ICST(PC member), ASE(PC member), SCAM(PC member), ICSM(PC member), ESEM(PC member), Mutation(PC member), SBST(PC member), TAIC PART(PC member).
Conferences in 2012:
ASE(keynote), ICSE(PC member), FSE, ISSTA(PC member), SSBSE(SC chair), ICST(PC member), Mutation(PC member), SBST(PC member), SCAM(PC member), ICSM(PC member), RAISE(keynote), ESEM(keynote), GECCO(PC member).
Conferences in 2011:
QSIC(keynote), RefTest(keynote). SCAM, SSBSE(SC chair), ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ICST (PC chair), GECCO(PC member), ICSM(PC member),
Conferences in 2010:
SCAM (keynote), SSBSE(SC chair), ICSM(PC member), ISSTA(PC member), ICST(PC member), Mutation(PC member), SBST(PC member), PROMISE(keynote), ICSE, GECCO(PC member), RE, FASE@ETAPS(keynote), Mutation(keynote).

Computing bibliographies | DBLP

BBC | TSI | Smithsonian | Music | Hubble | Blenheim Place

Close by UCL in London: Southbank Arts Centre, Parliament, Tate Modern, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, The London Eye, the Royal Courts of Justice, Somerset House, The National Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery, Theatre land, The Britism Museum, Covent Garden, The Royal Opera House

A little further away: Serpentine, Victorial and Albert Museum, Science Museum, Natural History Museum.

Old stuff:

Conferences in 2009: Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2009), ICSE, ICST, MAEB, ICSM, SCAM, WSE, WCRE, ISSTA, GECCO, ASE, AOSD, AAMAS, HVC. Conferences in 2008: ASE, Evol, TAIC PART, WCRE, SCAM, RE, REFSQ, GECCO, ISSTA, ICST, SBST, ICSE, ICSM, FSE.

Conferences in 2007: ICPC, ISSTA, GECCO, ICSM, Mutation, TAIC PART, SCAM, ICSE, FSE, SQC.

Conferences in 2006: Mensura, TAIC PART, ISSRE, Mutation, CSMR, GECCO SBSE, ICSE, ISSTA, ICSM, WCRE, SQC, CSSE, ICPC, SCAM, AAA.

Conferences in 2005: ASTReNet, SCAM, CSMR, ICSM, IWPC, GECCO, MIC, WCRE, Dagstuhl Slicing Seminar, ISSRE, UK Test 2005.

Conferences in 2004: SCAM, ICSM, ICSE, IWPC, GECCO, TestCom, WCRE, ISSTA, ISSRE, FSE, Metrics, PLID.

Conferences in 2003: ICSE, CMSR, IWPC, GECCO, ICSM, SCAM, WSE, ICFCA, ICCT, WCRE, ZB, UK Testing Workshop.