Prospective Students
Do you want to undertake a BSc/MSc final project under my supervision?
Contact me if your interests fall into any of these areas: Software Analytics, Search-Based Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering. If you have a project idea related to the mentioned areas, please email me at f.sarro at ucl dot ac dot uk , alternatively you can have a look at the final year projects currently available and contact me if any is of interest.
Do you want to arrange a research visit?
I am happy to host research visit at UCL. Due to high number of requests please contact me at least 6 months in advance to avoid disappointment. For research visit longer than 3 months a research proposal should be submitted, feel free to get in touch for discussing possible projects.
Do you want to undertake a PhD at UCL under my supevision?
STEP1. Identify a topic of mutual interests and prepare a research proposal
As part of your application you are required to submit a research proposal and get in touch with a potential supervisor.
Therefore, if you are interested in working with me, please contact me before applying in order to discuss possible projects and check whether I would be available and able to take on a new student.
To this end, please, e-mail me:
- a paragraph explaining why you want me to be your supervisor and the proposed project/topic;
- a paragraph about you and your professional interests
- a paragraph about any research experience you acquired during your undergraduate/graduate degree (if applicable);
- your CV (include a description of your previous graduate work and include PDFs of your thesis and your publications if any)
STEP2. Apply to UCL
You need to apply to and be accepted by the University College London, regardless of the funding (i.e., this applies also if you are self-funded or have already a scholarship you need to apply ad be accepted by UCL). Here you can check the entry requirements.
STEP3. Funding your PhD studies
You can be self-funded or apply for a PhD scholarship if any available. Here you can find the PhD scholarships currently available in my research group.