The Second Student Conference on Optimisation of Software 25-26 June 2013, University College London, UK
The StuConOS 2013 is kindly supported by the DAASE project - EPSRC, so registration is free. However, please appreciate that numbers are limited and catering needs to be booked in advance, so registration followed by non-attendance will cause difficulties. For this reason, though the conference is free of charge, there will be a cancellation fee of £100 for those who register but subsequently fail to attend.
Participants can register for StuConOS 2013 by sending an email to Registration-StuConOS2013. Please enclose the following information in your email:
1. Name; 2. Affiliation; 3. Personal or organisational web page URL; 4. Postal address; 5. Have you submitted a paper/will you submit a paper?; 6. Are you presenting a paper?; 7. Do you agree on the terms of FRPNA; 8. Any dietary requirements or allergies.