Next year we have the Third European Conference on Genetic Programming in Edinburgh, 15-16th April, 2000.

one of the EvoNET

GÖTEBORG, SWEDEN, 26-27 May, 1999

Genetic Programming (GP) is a new branch of Evolutionary Computation in which the structures in the population being evolved are computer programs. GP has been applied successfully to a large number of difficult problems like automatic design, pattern recognition, robotic control, synthesis of neural networks, symbolic regression, music and picture generation, etc.

EuroGP'99 is the biggest event entirely devoted to Genetic Programming to be held in Europe, the second of its kind after EuroGP'98 which took place this year in Paris. The aims are to give European and non-European researchers in the area of genetic programming as well as people from industry an opportunity to present their latest research and discuss current developments and applications. The events were held at Main Aula, Göteborg University, Vasaparken, Göteborg, Sweden.

Accepted late breaking papers

EvoNET Workshops on Evolutionary Computing

This year the European workshops on different aspects of evolutionary computation were held together in Göteborg, Sweden from 27th to 29th May 1999. They are sponsored by EvoNET, the Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing, and each is one the activities of one the specialist groupings within EvoNET. For example EuroGP is one of the activities of EvoGP, the EvoNET working group on Genetic Programming. The major European events are: Following the Evonet workshops there was a short course at the EUROGEN'99 workshop on evolutionary algorithms in engineering and computer science in Jyvaskyla, Finland, 30 May to 3 June 1999.

Topics of interest at EuroGP'99 include, but were not limited to:

Theoretical developments
Experimental results on performance and behaviour of GP runs
New algorithms, representations and operators
Novel applications of GP to real-life problems
Hybrid architectures including GP components
Comparisons with other machine learning or program-induction techniques
New libraries and implementations

The workshop consisted of:

A tutorial on GP by John Koza
An invited talk by David B Fogel Evolving Solutions that are Competitive with Humans
Oral and poster sessions with periods for discussion
Software demos and industrial stands


See programme.html


Now closed.


Now closed.

Accepted Papers:

The papers accepted appear in the workshop proceedings, published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series volume 1598

Papers presented at EuroGP-99

References of papers as BibTex and as html


Organising Committee:

Programme Committee:


Main Aula, Göteborg University, Vasaparken, Göteborg
The the conference hall is marked with a red circle on this map, which also indicates the University area of Göteborg.

Information on Göteborg the friendly city and soksidor.


Some prices for May 99 are still approximate. Breakfast usually included.

Next Year:

It is planned to hold EuroGP in Edinburgh next year in conjunction with ICES2000.

Workshop Web Site:

Last Year's Workshop:


Riccardo Poli
post: Riccardo Poli
School of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Tel: +44-121-414-3739 FAX: +44-121-414-4281

Peter Nordin
Institute of Physical Resource Theory
Chalmers University of Technology
S-412 96 Göteborg, SWEDEN
+46 31 607213, Fax +46 31 607201

W. B. Langdon $Date: 2003/01/12 15:06:46 $