Research Interests
PhD Students
Former PhD Students
CV (in PDF)
ACM Author Profile
I hold a Diploma degree (comparable to a British MSc) in Computer Science
from University of Dortmund, Germany and a Doctorate degree in Software
Engineering from University of Paderborn, Germany.
In October 2004, I was appointed to Professor of Distributed Computing
in the Dept.
of Computer Science at University
College London. Prior to that, I was a Reader in Distributed Software
Engineering in the Dept.
of Computer Science at University
College London. I am Head of the Software Systems Engineering Research
Group and Director of Research of Computer Science at UCL.
I am a member member of the UCL Grid
Executive Board. Before I joined UCL, I was a Lecturer in the
Dept. of Computer Science at
The City University,
London. Before coming to England in February 1996, I was a visiting
scholar in the Software Verification
and Research Centre at the
University of Queensland, Australia. I completed my PhD while I
was a Research Assistant in the department of computer science at the University of
Dortmund, Germany. I was a student assistant in the same
department between 1987 and 1990.
I am probably best known for my work on middleware-based distributed
software architectures. Between 1997 and 2001, I have been invited to
give tutorials on distributed object and component middleware at
signficant international software enginering conferences. I have
published papers on styles for distributed software architectures in
the 1999,2000 and 2001 IEEE/ACM International Conferences on Software
Engineering (ICSE), the most important software engineering meeting. I
have given an invited talk on the software engineering challenges of
using distributed objects and components at ICSE 2002. My more
foundational work on reasoning about distributed object-based systems
and conflict resolution in mobile systems has been published at the
ACM Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) conferences in 2001 and
2002. At the IEEE Automated Software Engineering conference in 2001, I
had a paper on consistency management of distributed software
documents, which received the best paper award. I have published the
foundations of that work in 2002 in ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology and the most recent advances on repairing inconsistencies
will be presented at ICSE 2003.
I currently have research funding in the amount of approx. GBP 1.5M on
projects where I am the Principal Investigator. I am a co-investigator
on a number of further projects. The projects funded by these grants
are mostly of a collaborative nature. Within the software systems
engineering group, I have enjoyed a long-standing collaboration with
Finkelstein and Cecilia Mascolo.
The language engineering effort for programmable
networks is a collaboration with the Communications research group in
UCL-CS and the Networks group in UCL-EE. I am responsible for the
computing research on two e-science projects, funded by NERC and the
EPSRC, which involve collaborations with UCL's Earth Sciences and
Chemistry departments, as well as a number of further partners at the
Royal Institution, Cambridge University, and the Universities of Bath
and Reading. Internationally, I collaborate closely with a number of
software engineering research groups in universities and research labs
in EU funded projects.
Moreover, I maintain collaborations with industrial research groups,
including IBM Research in Hawthorn, USA, IBM UK in Hursley, UBS
Warburg in London, Kodak Research in Harrow, BT exact Technologies at
Adastral Park and the innovations group of Searchspace Ltd, a UCL
Scholarly Service
I am an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering. I have acted as guest editor for various issues of
Automated Software Engineering and have served as reviewer for all
main software engineering journals. I have served on the programme
committee of all major software engineering conferences, including
ICSE, ASE and FSE. I will co-chair the PC of the Int. Conference on
Software Engineering with Gregg Rothermel in 2007. I
have co-chaired the ASE PC with Dave Wile in 2002. I
have been instrumental in establishing two specialist international
research communities. The first one focuses on software engineering
and middleware, which held peer-reviewed meetings in LA in 1999, Davis
in 2000, Orlando in 2002 and Linz in 2004. The second community
focuses on Component Deployment and has met in Berlin in 2002 and met
and I co-chaired the Component Deployment PC for the meeting in
Edinburgh in 2004 with Alex
Wolf. I have been elected a member of the EPSRC College and have
served as a reviewer for grant proposals to the Dutch Resource
Council, the Australian Research Council and NSF.
I consider it very important for academic software engineering researchers
to learn about the problems of the software industry. I have co-founded
Zuehlke Engineering GmbH, Germany in
1998 and Zuhlke Engineering Ltd in London in 2001, where I am a director and
part-time principal consultant. For Zuhlke,
I author and deliver training courses, and consult on the engineering of
distributed objects, mainly with banks and insurances.