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- State-based Model Slicing: A Survey
Kelly Androutsopoulos,
David Clark,
Mark Harman,
Jens Krinke,
Laurence Tratt
In ACM Computing Surveys. (To appear)
- Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines
Kelly Androutsopoulos,
David Clark,
Mark Harman,
Rob Heirons,
Zheng Li,
Laurence Tratt
In IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, 2012. (To appear)
- An Alternative Characterization of Weak Order Dependence PDF
Torben Amtoft, Kelly Androutsopoulos , David Clark,
Mark Harman,
Zheng Li
Information Processing Letters Volume 110, Issue 21, Pages: 939-943, October 2010
- RSDS, a Subset of UML with Precise Semantics PS
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos and David Clark
Journal L'objet, Logiciel, bases de donnees, reseaux, 2003
- Model Projection: Simplifying Models in Response to Restricting the Environment
Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Binkley,
David Clark,
Nicolas Gold,
Mark Harman,
Kevin Lano,
Zheng Li
In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011),
Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 21-28, 2011.
- A Theoretical and Empirical Study of EFSM Dependence PDF
Kelly Androutsopoulos, Nicolas Gold,
Mark Harman,
Zheng Li , Laurence Tratt
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), September 2009
- Control Dependence for Extended Finite State Machines PDF
Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Clark, Mark Harman, Zheng Li , Laurence Tratt
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), March 2009
Best Software Science Paper Award, at the 12th European Join Conference on Theory and Practice ETAPS 2009.
- Dynamic Verification and Control of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Systems PDF
George Spanoudakis, Christos Kloukinas, and Kelly Androutsopoulos
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP) 2008, Bucharest, Romania
- Towards Security Monitoring Patterns PDF
George Spanoudakis, Christos Kloukinas, and Kelly Androutsopoulos
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC07), Seoul, Korea, 2007
- Concurrency and Real-Time Specifications in UML
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos, and David Clark.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTES) at
MoDELS 2006. Universitet i Oslo, Institut for Informatikk Research Report.
- Refinement Patterns for UML
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Clark
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 137(2): 131-149, 2005
- UML to B: Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Models PS
Kevin Lano, David Clark and Kelly Androutsopoulos
IFM, Kent, 2004
- Formal Specification and Verification of Railway Systems Using
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos and David Clark
FORMS Symposium on Formal Methods for Railway Operation and
Control Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2003
- From Implicit Specifications to Explicit Designs in Reactive
System Development
Kevin Lano, David Clark and Kelly Androutsopoulos
The Third International Conference, Integrated Formal
Methods (IFM) Turku, Finland, 2002
- Safety and Security Analysis of Object-Oriented Models PS
Kevin Lano, David Clark and Kelly Androutsopoulos
SAFECOMP Italy, 82-93, 2002
- Design and Verification of Automation Systems using RSDS
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Clark and Pauline Kan
Proceeding of INCOM, Vienna, 2001
- Structuring Reactive Systems in B AMN PS
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos and Pauline Kan
Third IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods (ICFEM), September 2000, York
- Invariant-based Synthesis of Fault-tolerant Systems PS
Kevin Lano,David Clark, Kelly Androutsopoulos and Pauline Kan
In the proceedings of FTRTFT 2000.
- Structuring and Design of Reactive Systems using RSDS and B PS
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos, and David Clark
In the proceedings of FASE, ETAPS 2000.
- Reactive System Refinement of Distributed Systems in B PS
Kevin Lano, Kelly Androutsopoulos
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods,
York, 28-29 June 1999, Springer
- Correctness for Slicing EFSMs.
Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Clark, Mark Harman and Laurence Tratt
2nd International Workshop on Programming Language Interference and Dependence, PLID'05, London Sept 6, 2005
- Formalising Inter-model Consistency of the UML PS
Kevin Lano, David Clark and Kelly Androutsopoulos
UML 2002, Workshop on Consistency Problems in
UML-Based Software Development, Dresden, Germany, 2002
- RSDS: A Subset of UML with Precise Semantics
Kevin Lano, David Clark, Kelly Androutsopoulos,
ROOM The fourth workshop, King's College,2002
- Reactive System Specification and Verification in RSDS
Kelly Androutsopoulos, Kevin Lano
AVOCS, Oxford, 2001
Technical Reports
- Survey of Slicing Finite State Machine Models PDF
Kelly Androutsopoulos, David Clark, Mark Harman, Jens Krinke and Laurence Tratt
Technical Report, RN/10/07, University College London, December 2010
PhD Thesis