M038/GZ06: Courseworks


For each lecture after the first lecture, students must complete a one-pager: a 200- to 500-word answer to a question about a reading assigned for that lecture. These one-pager questions appear in the class calendar. All one-pagers are individual courseworks, and must be written by each student alone, without collaboration with any other students from this year or prior years.

All one-pagers are of equal weight; your average grade on them will contribute 15% of the overall total grade for M038/GZ06. One-pagers will be graded on a simple scale between 0 and 2:

  • 0 points: no one-pager turned in at the start of lecture, or answer turned in cannot be seen to respond meaningfully to question asked
  • 1 point: one-pager turned in at the start of lecture, and answer addresses the question asked
  • 2 points: one-pager turned in at the start of lecture, and answer precisely, correctly, and thoroughly addresses the question asked
  • Group Paper Presentations

    In the final two weeks of term, students present research papers, and are graded on their presentations, which contribute 10% of the overall total grade for M038/GZ06. These presentations are done in student-chosen groups. (Group size varies depending on the number of students who enroll in the class each year, and will be announced in lecture.) Each group chooses a paper to present; does a close, critical reading of the paper; prepares a critical presentation on the research described in the paper; and delivers this presentation.

    Once you have formed a group, please email the instructors to notify them of your group's membership and the paper you have selected. Only one group can present a paper, and papers will be given to groups on a first-come, first-served basis. So it is very much in your interest to form a group and select a paper early! Once formed, all groups will be listed here.

    Your group has 35 minutes in which to present. Each member of your group should speak once, and each should speak for a roughly equal duration. After the presentation, students and the instructors will ask the group questions about the research described in the paper for 15 minutes. Please arrive for lecture promptly!

    The presentation schedule will appear in the course calendar once groups have formed and selected papers to present.

    Presentation Content

    You should use a laptop to project slides. Your group and your group alone must write the slides you present. Please note that you may not include any material in your slides written by anyone not in your group. If you would like to present a results graph from the paper, however, you may include the graph in your slides. In such cases, you must follow good scholarship practice and include a citation on the slide for any graph reproduced from elsewhere. If you have any questions about these rules, please consult an instructor.

    Each group's presentation should include:

    1. motivation and problem definition
    2. state main contributions of work
    3. description of central design (or in some cases, design of measurements)
    4. experimental evaluation
    5. related work
    6. future work
    7. conclusion

    Please refer to M038/GZ06 presentation guidelines for details on what belongs in each section of your presentation, and important advice on how to give a good presentation.

    Presentation Grading

    There are group and individual components to the presentation marks.

    The group mark comprises 67% of the total, consisting of:

    1. Precision of problem definition [25%]
    2. Clarity of design description [25%]
    3. Care and nuance in explanation of experimental results [25%]
    4. Careful consideration of relevant related and future work [25%]

    The individual mark comprises 33% of the total, consisting of:

    1. Clarity of individual's part of presentation [50%]
    2. Quality of individual's answers to questions [50%]

    Submission of Presentation Materials

    Please send a single copy of your slides in PDF as an email attachment to the course staff email address:

    no later than:
    9 AM Friday, 11th March, 2011

    When you present to the class, you must use the same slides that you submitted by email for this 11th March deadline.