We will use the Piazza web-based class discussion system for 0019 this year. Piazza lets instructors make announcements to students, lets students post questions about class material, and lets both instructors and other students answer those questions. Generally, we ask you to please post questions on class material to Piazza, and not to ask them in email to the instructors. That way, the whole class will benefit from seeing the answer to your question, and response time will be minimized, as the instructors and your peer students will all be able to respond. When you wish to discuss private matters such as your marks, or details of your specific solution to a coursework, which should not be shared with other students (as the courseworks must be completed individually, without collaboration), please mark your post on Piazza as private, which will ensure that it is visible only to instructors.
You can find our class page on Piazza here.