Dive Tutorials

Overview of Program

Tutorial 1

We looked at the menu system of vishnu and some objects and interaction.

The vishnu inteface is quite complex, but completely flexible in that it is defined in a TCL script that can be modified.

We looked at some simple object definitions, the fundamentals of the event mechanism , and briefly discussed importing files into DIVE. A fuller discussion of creating geometry for DIVE will be given at a later date.


Send any queries/bugs to Anthony

Tutorial 2

We took a closer look at object descriptions, and some simple behaviours. This involved a review of the DIVE file format.

The capabilties of inter-object communication were introduced using dive_send, and we briefly reviewed possibility of one object writing the script of another object using dive_declare.


Anthony Steed, A.Steed@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Last modified: Thu Nov 29 19:13:29 "GMT 2001