Dive Tutorials
- File format/vrml conversion
- tcl commands
- DVI interface
- Code structure
We looked at the menu system of vishnu and some objects and interaction.
The vishnu
inteface is quite complex, but completely flexible in that it is
defined in a TCL script that can be modified.
We looked at some simple object definitions, the fundamentals of the
event mechanism , and briefly discussed importing files into DIVE. A fuller
discussion of creating geometry for DIVE will be given at a later
- Play with vishnu and familiarize yourself with the controls.
- Trying loading objects and editting their code
Send any queries/bugs to Anthony
Tutorial 2
We took a closer look at object descriptions, and some simple
behaviours. This involved a review of the DIVE
file format.
The capabilties of inter-object communication were introduced using
dive_send, and we briefly reviewed possibility of one object
writing the script of another object using dive_declare.
- Explore some more worlds.
Some worlds from the web:
Some worlds from our installation:
- tutorial.vr - Tutorial (click or load via vishnu worlds menu)
- dive_town.vr - Dive Town (click or load from vishnu worlds menu)
- /cs/research/graphics/vulcan/common/vr/dive/stk/stk.vr (you will have to add the directory to your DIVEPATH)
- /cs/research/graphics/vulcan/common/vr/dive/diveconf/diveconf.vr (you will have to add the directory to your DIVEPATH)
The following worlds from the standard DIVEPATH work but aren't very interesting.
Please mail me if you find anymore.
- Start familiarizing yourself with TCL. There are manuals for tcl
in our own common area, and no doubt elsewhere. You may find it
helpful to look at a solitarre
program I wrote ages ago that does virtually the same things as
the Dive one but with a 2D interface.
- Simple scripting. For example create two objects, one of which
choses and sets a random colour for the other when it is clicked
upon. You will probably need to look
up and use,
dive_material and dive_find_entity_byname.
Anthony Steed,
Last modified: Thu Nov 29 19:13:29 "GMT 2001