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Re: Simple Multicast - building a case for a BOF or WG


Jon wrote:
> i think this is often (not always) a case of putting the cart before
> the horse 

I could  rephrase the above in "chicken-and-eggs" language: 
cart people are waiting for suitable horse to start building
needed cart, and horse people are waiting for cart demand.

>- basically ,for each particular distributed application
> that has multiple soruces, there are different requirements on
> (and definitions of) reliability  ordering ,and synchronisatin of
> delivery (and lots of other metrics)....the CORBA peeople would be out
> of a job if we could define a single service that met all suvh
> requirements......luckily we can't

no, personally I think your "framework reliable multicast" is a good
gift for middleware developers

> ... and also, they dont erally have
> such a need - they have applications which have diverse needs and each
> of which have specifal solutions

right now CORBA people open a separate TCP/IP connection for each
objects' request (they call it IIOP though).

> but this list is taegting network models anyhow, and not transport
> ones-  though we want to have realistic requirements...

maybe I was wrong with my example, but I think that there are more
models (==requirements) for network level than Internet TV.

