B261 Systems Architecture
SPIM Simulator
This directory contains SPIM--an assembly language MIPS R2000/R3000
SPIM is copyrighted by James R. Larus and distributed under the
following conditions:
- You may make copies of SPIM for your own use and modify those copies.
- All copies of SPIM must retain my name and copyright notice.
- You may not sell SPIM or distributed SPIM in conjunction with a
commercial product or service without the expressed written consent of
James Larus.
It is possible to get SPIM (code and documentation) directly from Larus's
SPIM Web page.
...or from the ftp site, ftp.cs.wisc.edu, in the directory pub/spim.
There are two versions of SPIM that we can use, one on the UNIX system
and the other on the PCs.
Using SPIM from an ISD PC
From the Program Manager on the PC, choose "Available Software". Inside that
choose "Non-ISD Applications". Inside that you will find "SPIM/SAL for Win32S".
This application can be started by a double click in the usual way. The
software is "freeware" and is located in the "P" drive on the ISD PCs.
How to Get SPIM for UNIX
- You can copy the file from my public directory:-
cp /cs/research/graphics/vulcan/home/ucacmsl/Public/SPIM/xspim .
- Alternatively, you can put the following in your path (see the
CS_XTRA_PATH environment variable in your file .uclcs-csh-options):
- Alternative, you can download directly from Netscape,
choosing the "Save as... Text" option, but then you should
chmod +x xspim
to make sure that the file is executable.
The middle method (making a link) will
use the least disc space in your directory.
Having got access to xspim, just type xspim and press return, and the
program will start to execute. Wait for the program's window to appear,
and you can load in your own .s files from the Load menu, and execute them
with the Execute menu.
Printed documentation has been made available. There is slightly more
up-to-date version
available too, but the differences are not relevant for this course.