Information Management
System Architecture
Exercise 2: More Logic and Binary Arithmetic
- Show how each of the following can be expressed using only NAND gates:
- not(A)
- A+B
- A.B
- not(A) + B
- not(A).B
- not(A).not(B)
- A^B (exclusive or)
- A circuit has three inputs, A, B, and C. It is to output Z = 1
when A and B are both 1 and C is 0, or when B and C are 1 and A is 0,
and Z = 0 in all other cases. Draw the truth table for this circuit,
and device a simple circuit to do this.
- What are each of the following binary numbers in decimal form?
- 101
- 1101
- 111
- 1111
- 101010
- Find in binary form and then verify in decimal form:
- 101 + 111
- 1010 + 10
- 11 + 10110
- 101 + 101011
- Express the following decimal numbers in binary form:
- 5
- 33
- 17
- 18
- 72
- 127
- In the lecture we saw how to build a circuit that outputs
a binary number representing the sum of two binary inputs A, B.
Suppose that the circuit is to output the sum of two 2-digit binary
numbers. Let the first number be A represented by binary digits
A1 A0 and the second be B represented by B1 and B0. For example if A
represented the decimal number 3 then A0 = 1 and A1 = 1. If B represented
2 then B0 = 0 and B1 = 2. The answer would be Z = 5, which requires three
lines of output Z0, Z1, and Z2 (representing the binary number 101).
Design such a circuit. Consider how to design a circuit
for the addition of two 3-digit numbers (though don't actually do it).
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