Yvo G. Desmedt

Co-Organizer of the Workshop on `Thwarting Relay Attacks'

Honorary Professor

Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK

IACR Fellow

Member of the Belgium Academy of Science

Jonsson Chair at The University of Texas at Dallas
Inventor of e-Passports and e-Visas (jointly with George Davida, 1988)
Erdös Number: 2    (Co-author list)
Scientific achievements

How to contact me

Recent: Short Presentation at IEEE Security and Privacy on ``Security versus Privacy in the Age of COVID-19''

Research Interests

His main interests include cryptography, network security, critical infrastructure and computer security.

Papers (DBLP)

Current research:

Summary of research results (since joining UCL):

Current Professional Activities

Some firsts

Yvo Desmedt was the:

Venues where Yvo Desmedt published

Yvo Desmedt has published in conference proceedings of Asiacrypt, CCS, Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Crypto, ESORICS, Eurocrypt, Financial Cryptography, Globecom, ICC, ICITS, INFOCOM, Information Hiding, ISC, ISIT, NATO ASI, PKC, RANDOM, Security and Privacy (Oakland), STOC, and WEIS, among others. Moreover he published in journals as: Communications of the ACM, Computer Networks, Designs Codes and Cryptography, IEEE Computer, IPL, Journal of Cryptology, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.

Other biographic information

Yvo Desmedt received his Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Leuven, Belgium (1984). He was program chair of ICITS 2007, co-program chair of CANS 2005, program chair of PKC 2003, the 2002 ACM Workshop on Scientific Aspects of Cyber Terrorism and Crypto '94. He has authored over 200 refereed papers. He has given invited lectures at several conferences and workshops in 6 different continents. His first Assistant Professor position was at the Universite de Montreal (Canada). Other positions include: University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee) and Florida State University. He declined an offer of Vice President of Citibank (New York, New York). He has held visiting appointments at Technion (Israel), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), University of Karlsruhe (Germany), AIST (Japan), Macquarie University (Australia), etc. He also went on research visits to AT&T Research, Certicom, ETH, IBM Yorktown Heights, Philips Research Laboratory, Technical University Eindhoven (TU/e), University of Waterloo, etc.

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Last modified: May 21, 2020