Marches against UN invasion of IRAQ, 15 feb 2003

A series of demonstations and marches world wide succeeded in persuading the United Nations not to go to war with Iraq.

New York Marches against UN invasion of IRAQ, Feb 15, 2003

London Marches against UN invasion of IRAQ, 15 February 2003

Marches from north and south join at Piccadilly circus

London 15 February 2003

We met at 11:30 outside the bookstore next to University College. Tom has a great placard. It has a poodle called "The right honourable member for Texas North", ie prime minister Blair. Fairly quickly the March had filled Gower Street. Due to the large number of people, the march started early and we rejoined it in Shaftsbury avenue. Most of the time it moved very slowly, coming to a complete halt as we crossed Wardour Street. We along with many other struck off north and found a route passed Piccadilly circus along Old Compton Street, Brewer Street and Air Street. (Pausing for refreshments at another little cafe in Old Compton Street. We were not alone, many people in our cafe and small shops along the way were filled by people on the March. The shop keepers were keen to see us!

Piccadilly circus was were the march from the North (ie our branch) joined that from the South and so was full. When we got to Piccadilly it too was full but moved fairly steadily for a while. Eventually it too came to a halt due to number of people trying to get into Hyde park. We struck off north, made a circuit around the Hilton Hotel and crossed Park Lane. Park Lane had at least there lines of coaches (to take people from the march home) stretching North as far as we could see. We entered the park via a small gate at about 16:00

Hyde Park 15 February 2003

We arrived in time to hear the Mayor of London. He said it was the largest march in London in its 2000 year history and that the Police had made no arrests. The last speech was made by the rev. Jesse Jackson (USA).

It was getting dark but people we still coming into the park. We made another circuit back out of the park and into Piccadilly and caught up with the very tail of the march. It was now night and the end of the march pretty much reached the gates of Hyde Park at 17:45.
