anonymous ftp site directory genetic/papers . 31 March 1995

This directory contains (at your own risk):

Evolving Data Structures with Genetic Programming

To be presented at ICGA-95 (dvi 4 graphs missing) 12 pages.


Genetic programming (GP) is a subclass of genetic algorithms (GAs), in which evolving programs are directly represented in the chromosome as trees. Recently it has been shown that programs which explicitly use directly addressable memory can be generated using GP.

It is established good software engineering practice to ensure that programs use memory via abstract data structures such as stacks, queues and lists. These provide an interface between the program and memory, freeing the program of memory management details which are left to the data structures to implement. The main result presented herein is that GP can automatically generate stacks and queues.

Typically abstract data structures support multiple operations, such as put and get. We show that GP can simultaneously evolve all the operations of a data structure by implementing each such operation with its own independent program tree. That is, the chromosome consists of a fixed number of independent program trees. Moreover, crossover only mixes genetic material of program trees that implement the same operation. Program trees interact with each other only via shared memory and shared ``Automatically Defined Functions'' (ADFs).

ADFs, ``pass by reference'' when calling them, Pareto selection, ``good software engineering practice'' and partitioning the genetic population into ``demes'' where also investigated whilst evolving the queue in order to improve the GP solutions.

Code is available

Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid

Presented at the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995 (dvi no graphs) 15 pages.


National Grid Plc is responsible for the maintenance of the high voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales. It must plan maintenance so as to minimize costs taking into account:

This complex optimization and scheduling problem is currently performed manually by National Grid's Planning Engineers. Computerized viability checks are performed on the schedules they produce. National Grid's Technology and Science Laboratories and UCL aim to generate low cost schedules using Genetic Algorithms. It is hoped this will aid the Planning Engineers.

This paper reports work in progress. So far:

We are now considering how to scale up. The computational complexity of the best of the greedy optimizers is a concern. Our plans are to consider alternative approaches (such as expansive coding and Genetic Programming) before moving on to a significant section of the whole of the National Grid (South Wales has been suggested as a suitable example of intermediate size).

Code is available

Presentation slides (27 pages)

Summary of NK landscapes and GAs

An extended version of the summary that was posted to the Genetic Algorithms Digest on 12 November 1994. I would welcome comments.

ga-nk-summary.txt 300 lines

Summary of Seeding Population GAs

A version of the summary that was posted to the Genetic Algorithms Digest March 1995. I would welcome comments.

ga-seed.txt 150 lines