W.B.Langdon 18 September 2020 WBL 4 Oct 2020 bug in memset(children,0 in chrome.cxx WBL 3 Oct 2020 Added tiny_gp_generation.c (Tiny GP in C, crossover & mutation) Part of GPquick C++ code which implements best use of expr buffers used to store generational genetic programming trees for 100% crossover on multi-core CPU. E.g. see Pop::generation_fitness() and thread_fitness() Code for "Multi-threaded Memory Efficient Crossover in C++ for Generational Genetic Programming", W. B. Langdon, 2020. ArXiv 2009.10460 https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10460 and SIGEVOlution 13(3) 2020.