@incollection(Langdon:1995:4nodeSV, author = {W. B. Langdon}, title = {Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid}, booktitle = {Evolutionary Computating}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1995, editor = {Terence C. Fogarty}, number = {993}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {132--153}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, note = {}, email = {W.Langdon@cs.ucl.ac.uk}, keywords = {Genetic Algorithms, Scheduling, Optimization, Maintenance Planning, Electricity Transmission Networks}, ISBN = {3-540-60469-3}, url = {ftp://cs.ucl.ac.uk/genetic/papers/WBL_sv_4n.ps}, abstract = {The National Grid Company Plc is responsible for the maintenance of the high voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales. It must plan maintenance so as to minimize costs taking into account: location and size of demand, generator capacities and availabilities, electricity carrying capacity of the remainder of the network, ie that part not undergoing maintenance. This complex optimization and scheduling problem is currently performed manually by NGC's Planning Engineers. Computerized viability checks are performed on the schedules they produce. NGC's Technology and Science Laboratories and UCL aim to generate low cost schedules using Genetic Algorithms. It is hoped this will aid the Planning Engineers. This paper reports work in progress. So far: A four node test problem has been identified A fitness function has been devised To date work has concentrated upon devising a representation based upon ``Greedy'' Optimizers. The best of these has been incorporated in the QGAME genetic algorithm programming environment and optimal solutions have been readily found. We are now considering how to scale up. The computational complexity of the best of the greedy optimizers is a concern. Our plans are to consider alternative approaches (such as expansive coding and Genetic Programming) before moving on to a significant section of the whole of the National Grid (South Wales has been suggested as a suitable example of intermediate size).}, notes = { note = {Presented at the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995. Originally UCL CS tech report RN/3/95 (see Langdon:1995:4nodeRN) however considerably reworked}, notes = {}, size = {22 pages} )