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How Well Does Genetic Programming Generalise? 1

W.B. Langdon and J.P. Nordin

Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
Kruislaan 413, NL-1098 SJ, Amsterdam
Chalmers University of Technology,
S-41296, Göteborg, Sweden


We want to find patterns in data.
Want generalisation on unseen data.
To find the ``essence'' of the data.

We turn genetic programming (GP) on its head.
Instead of GP matching training data.
We construct a function to match training data.
Seed GP with it.

Can GP evolve the function to be more general?

Test problems

Programmatic Compression

Target image (256 by 167). Note variety of repeating patterns.

Pima Diabetes
Exactly matches training data $\Rightarrow$ General solution
Very simple program is as good as ML

Objective: Find a program that predicts Diabetes.
Terminal set: One terminal per data attribute (8). For each attribute, create unique random constants between its minimum and maximum value (in the training set). Use integers where the attribute has integer only values (total 255 primitives).
Fitness cases: Training 576 (194 positive). 192 (74 positive) for verification only.
Fitness: number correct (hits).
Selection: 2 objectives, hits and size, combined in Pareto tournament group size 7. Non-elitist, generational. Fitness sharing (comparison set 81)
Wrapper: Value $\ge 0.5$ taken as true
Pop Size: 500
Max prog. size: no limit
Initial pop: 100% seeded or created using ``ramped half-and-half'' (no duplicate checking).
Parameters: 90% one child crossover, 2.5% function point mutation (rate 100/1024), 2.5% constant mutation (rate 100/1024), 2.5% shrink mutation, 2.5% size fair mutation (subtree size$\le$30)
Termination: Maximum number of generations G = 50

Seed size Highest Verification First program $\ge 137$
  Hits Size Gen Size Gen % runs $\ge 137$
none (Pareto) 121 25 8 0
none (scalar) 131 31 10 5 17 40
20 143 34 35 3 26 100
288 144 1603 40 4 22 100
576 142 6369 41 62 33 100

Evolution of Pareto front in seeded (288) Pima run

Wisconsin Breast Cancer

Objective: Find a program that predicts Breast Cancer.
Terminal set: One terminal per data attribute (9). Constants -1 to 10
Fitness cases: 351 (130 positive). 348 (111 positive) verification tests.

Cancer. Highest verification score on Pareto front
Seed size Highest Verification First program $\ge 326$
  Hits Size Gen Size Gen % runs $\ge 326$
none (Pareto) 333 23 28 6 14 100
20 330 101 34 65 32 100
128 327 46 39 42 38 80
351 327 6422 42 2622 47 80

Insurance Customer Profiling

Given 85 attributes relating to a customer, such as age, number of children, number of cars, income, other insurance policies they hold, predict if they want caravan insurance.

GP generalises the C4.5 seed. However over training increases with size of programs.

Final population in Seeded and unseeded Insurance runs


  • It is possible to start GP with perfect individuals and find good generalisers.

  • Sometimes the seed can be created from a very small sample of the training data.

  • Offers easy way to hybridise GP with other techniques.

  • Shows the often assumed relationship between long programs and poor generalisation.

  • It might seem a bit provocative to have a perfect individual from the start, but the approach turns out to be feasible. We think that this is because GP has a built in ability to generalise.

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Bill Langdon