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Order form Genetic and Evolutional Computation Conference (GECCO) Proccedings

      GECCO 1999, Orlando, Florida, ISBN 1-55860-611-4
      Wolfgang Banzhaf, et al.
___ copies @$80.00 each

      GECCO 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, ISBN 1-55860-708-0
      Darrell Whitley, et al.
___ copies @$80.00 each

      GECCO 2001, San Francisco, ISBN 1-55860-774-9
      Lee Spector, et al.
___ copies @$80.00 each

      GECCO 2002, New York City, ISBN 1-55860-878-8
      W. B. Langdon, et al.
___ copies @$80.00 each

US$_____total (includes post and packing)

Make checks in US dollars payable to the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. or order online.

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Your proccedings will be shipped Priority mail inside the US.
Outside the USA they will be shipped via Overseas Priority Mail.

Email to Marianne Siroker <siroker@gmail.com>

Marianne Siroker
PO Box 19656
Stanford, CA 94309, USA
EMAIL: siroker@gmail.com