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Parameters for Multiplexor Problem

Objective: Find a reversible function whose output is the same as the Boolean 6 multiplexor function
Inputs: D0 D1 D2 D3 A0 A1 (plus either 0 or 6 ``true'' constants)
Functions set: CCNOT
Fitness cases: All the $2^{6}$ combinations of the 6 Boolean arguments
Fitness: number of correct answers
Selection: Tournament group size of 7, non elitist, generational
Pop size: 500
Program size: 5 or 20 CCNOT (Toffoli) reversible gates
Parameters: 100% mutation (Exactly one CCNOT gate is randomly chosen. One of its three wires is chosen at random, and replaced by a randomly chosen, different, but legal, wire.)
Termination: fitness=64 or maximum number of generations G = 500

Bill LANGDON 2003-05-26