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CIGPU 2010

wcci logo WCCI-2010 Special Session
Computational Intelligence on Consumer Games and Graphics Hardware CIGPU-2010.

Location Barcelona, International Conference Centre, CCIB, Room: 134, 23 July 2010. Weather
Publication IEEE Press
Program (Since CIGPU covers multiple conferences it is under the "hybrid" program (copy).
Registration and Hotels
Presentation Guidelines

Time Table

CIGPU took place in two sessions in the morning of Friday 23 July 2010. One starting first thing (8:00) and the second after the plenary (11:30). Both were in Room 134.


Time Title Authors Paper Slides Photo
8:00 - 8:20 Data Mining Using Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms on Graphics Hardware Man Leung Wong and Geng Cui abs pdf doi   pic
8:20 - 8:40 GPU-Based Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks with Real-Time Performance & High Accuracy Dmitri Yudanov, Muhammad Shaaban, Roy Melton, Leon Reznik abs pdf doi slides pic
8:40 - 9:00 High-Performance Bankruptcy Prediction Model using Graphics Processing Units Bernardete Ribeiro Noel Lopes abs pdf doi   pic
9:00 - 9:20 FPGA Implementation of a Support Vector Machine for Classification and Regression Marta Ruiz-Llata, Guillermo Guarnizo and Mar Yebenes-Calvino abs pdf doi   pic
9:20 - 9:40 Neuromorphic Algorithms on Clusters of PlayStation 3s Tarek M. Taha, Pavan Yalamanchili, Mohammad Bhuiyan, Rommel Jalasutram, Chong Chen and Richard Linderman abs pdf doi   pic
9:40 - 10:00 Porting Autodock to CUDA Sarnath Kannan and Raghavendra Ganji abs pdf doi   pic
CIGPU second session 11:30 - 12:50 pic
11:30 - 11:50 PUGACE, A Cellular Evolutionary Algorithm framework on GPUs Nicolas Soca, Jose Luis Blengio, Martin Pedemonte and Pablo Ezzatti abs pdf doi slides pic
11:50 - 12:10 Evolving a CUDA Kernel from an nVidia Template W. B. Langdon and M. Harman abs pdf doi slides code pic
12:10 - 12:30 Parallel Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms on GPU The Van Luong, Nouredine Melab and El-Ghazali Talbi abs pdf doi   pic
12:30 - 12:50 An Analytical Study of GPU Computation for Solving QAPs by Parallel Evolutionary Computation with Independent Run Shigeyoshi Tsutsui and Noriyuki Fujimoto abs pdf doi slides pic
Other pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Guidelines for Presentation

Copy of WCCI page 1 July 2010

Every room was equipped with an LCD projector and a laptop with Windows, PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF reader. The authors should try to use the available equipment instead of their personal laptop.

Authors should contact the session chair before the session starts and upload their presentation file on the available laptop. Please arrive early enough to find out the session chair and to tell him/her your name, affiliation and paper title.

Authors that must imperatively use their personal laptop (in case of special software needs or major compatibility problems), must check the connection with the projector before the session starts. Notice: time lost in setting up personal laptops during the session cannot be recovered and will result in a shorter presentation time.

The total presentation time is 20 minutes. This includes speaker transition, the setting of the computer (if needed), and questions & answers. Each speaker should finish his/her talk in 15 or 16 minutes in order to allow time for discussion.

Special Session Organisers

Simon Harding, simon.harding@ Computer Science Department Memorial University of Newfoundland
Tony Lewis, tony@ London Knowledge Lab
W. B. Langdon, william langdon@ CREST lab, Department of Computer Science, King's College London,
Man Leung Wong, mlwong@ Department of Computing & Decision Sciences, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Authors of papers on research or applications in any area of computational intelligence or machine learning (be it neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary, genetic, tabu, simulated annealing, search based, etc.) running on graphics hardware, Larrabee, portable devices, gamming consoles, Sony playstation, Xbox, cell phones, PDA, mobile devices or other mass market electronic hardware were invited to submit their work to CIGPU-2010. Of particular interest was new research, demonstrations and soft and real time applications using parallel mega threaded architectures, Cuda, OpenCL, ATI nVidia or other GPGPU platforms.

The third CIGPU was held as part of the IEEE world congress on computational intelligence in Spain 18-23 July 2010.

Papers submitted for special sessions were peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the contributed papers.


As with other WCCI papers, papers accepted by CIGPU will be disseminated by the IEEE and become part of its electronic archive.
    WCCI is combination of IJCNN 2010, FUZZ-IEEE 2010 and IEEE CEC 2010. Each has its own proceedings as part of WCCI. Each accepted paper appears in only one proceedings.

Program Committee

In addition to the organisers the programme committee included:

Dr. Simon Harding

Dr. Simon Harding was awarded a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of York, UK in 2006.

He has published widely in computational intelligence, unconventional computing, genetic programming and artificial developmental systems. He is currently a researcher at Memorial University, Canada. Dr Harding previously co-organised CIGPU in 2008 and 2009. This year he gave an invited tutorial on genetic programming on GPUs at Fifth Latin-American Summer School on Computational Intelligence, in Chile. He has several publications on GPU programming, including the first paper describing general purpose genetic programming on GPUs. Dr Harding also administers the web page.

Tony Lewis

Tony Lewis has a background of an MMath from Durham and several years' experience as a software engineer for IBM. He moved into researching computational intelligence via an MSc and his prize winning thesis focussed on applying GP to scheduling. He is currently working at Birkbeck, University of London and is researching accelerating GP with GPUs and using the powerful approach to exploring long term fitness growth. His work on tackling GP with GPUs recently earned a GECCO best paper award.

W. B. Langdon

Dr. Langdon has more than 100 papers and has written three books. He is the resource review editor for Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines and a member of the editorial board of Evolutionary Computation. He has given ten tutorials and organised workshops in international conferences and has chaired both tracks and been editor-in-chief for conference proceedings. He co-chaired the EuroGP conference three times.

Dr. Man Leung Wong

Dr. Man Leung Wong is an associate professor at the Department of Information Systems of Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong. Before joining the university, he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Department of Computing Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He worked as a research engineer at the Hypercom Asia Ltd. in 1997.

His research interests are data mining, machine learning, knowledge acquisition, and approximate reasoning. He has authored and co-authored over 80 papers and 1 book. His articles on these topics have been published in Management Science, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, etc. He received Lingnan University Research Excellence Award.

He has served in the organising and program committees of a number of international conferences including the Sixth IEEE International Conference Conference on Data Mining which was held in Hong Kong.

Dr. Wong and his colleagues started their work in CIGPU in 2003. The research has been recognised by the community of evolutionary computation and the results have been published in the journal IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE CEC 2005, and IEEE CEC 2006.

Other GPU sites

A few links to other pages interested in general purpose computing on graphics hardware


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W.B.Langdon 29 Oct 2009 (last update 2 July 2014)