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Slide presentation for Genetic Programming 1997 Conference

W. B. Langdon
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, UK

Evolutionary and Emergent Behaviour Intelligence and Computation (EEBIC)

Analysis of the MAX Problem (pages 222--230) W. B. Langdon and R. Poli

Why MAX Problem

MAX Problem

One of the four solutions to MAX-depth-4-{*,+}-{0.5} = 16

Why MAX is hard for GP

Near solution to MAX-depth-5-{*,+}-{0.5} = 128 (optimal 256)

+ Difficult to Replace

How long to Replace +

How long to Replace +

How long to Solution

How Many Steps to Solution


  1. lack of GP theory, analysed published example
  2. Pop sticks at root
  3. No introns/side effects to work around blocked root
  4. Role for analysis

Variety in initial populations

Predicted v. Mean of 50 runs

Number of different trees

Trees from xo full trees one function per level

Mean number of gens, successful runs

Percentage of runs ending in failure
Lower curves no in a higher level

Cov and freq * (d = 1, D = 5)

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William B Langdon
Thu Jul 24 17:45:21 BST 1997