addpath('../Lin1D'); addpath('../'); n = 64; sigma = 0.1; % of added white noise f = zeros(n,1); f(12) = -1; f(20:28) = 1.5; f(32:36) = 2; % arbitrary function. [y,K] = linblur(f,0.04); yn = y + sigma*randn(n,1); % add white noise figure (1);clf; hold on; plot(y); plot(yn,'g'); plot(f,'r'); %% %xcgn = CGNE1(zeros(size(f)),K,yn,1e-9,floor(n/10) ); alpha = 1e-2; tol = 1e-3; niter = floor(n*4/10); [xcg,xicg,ricg,picg,itcg] = CG1(zeros(size(f)),K'*K+alpha*eye(64),K'*yn,tol,niter); disp(['CG iterations ',num2str(itcg)]); [xsd,xisd,risd,itsd] = SD1(zeros(size(f)),K'*K+alpha*eye(64),K'*yn,tol,niter); disp(['SD iterations ',num2str(itsd)]); semilogy(sum(ricg.^2,1),'--k'); figure(3); clf; hold on; title(['reconstruction with \alpha=',num2str(alpha)]); plot(f,'r'); %plot(xcgn,'k'); plot(xcg,'--k'); plot(xsd,'b'); %% look at residual of normal equations : || A'(y - Ax_*)|| figure(4); clf; subplot(2,2,1); semilogy(sum(risd(:,1:itsd).^2,1),'b'); hold on; semilogy(sum(ricg(:,1:itsd).^2,1),'--k'); title('residual norm ||A^T(y-Ax_*)||'); %% also look at data space norm yicg = yn*ones(1,itcg)- K*xicg(:,1:itcg); yisd = yn*ones(1,itsd)-K*xisd(:,1:itsd); figure(4); subplot(2,2,2); semilogy(sum(yisd.^2,1),'b'); hold on; semilogy(sum(yicg.^2,1),'--k'); title('residual norm ||(y-Ax_*)||'); %% figure(5); clf; hold on; plot(f,'r'); for k = 1:itsd plot(xisd(:,k),'b'); pause(0.5); end for k = 1:itcg plot(xicg(:,k),'--k+'); pause(0.5); end %% ------------ use Matlab versions! ------------- tic; [xpcg,FLAGpcg,RELRESpcg,ITERpcg,RESVECpcg] = pcg(K'*K+alpha*eye(64),K'*yn,tol,n); toc; disp(['PCG iterations ',num2str(ITERpcg)]); figure(3); plot(xpcg,'g'); figure(4); subplot(2,2,3); semilogy(RESVECpcg,'g'); hold on; title('residual from Matlab PCG'); %% --- lastly : LSQR tic; [xlsqr,FLAGlsqr,RELRESlsqr,ITERlsqr,RESVEClsqr] = lsqr([K; sqrt(alpha)*eye(n)],[yn; zeros(n,1)],tol,n); toc; disp(['LSQR iterations ',num2str(ITERlsqr)]); figure(3); plot(xlsqr,'m'); figure(4); subplot(2,2,4); semilogy(RESVEClsqr,'m'); title('residual from Matlab LSQR');