Mathematical Methods, Algorithms and Implementations S.Arridge Exercises 2 Discrete Fourier Transforms, and Sampling The purpose of these exercises is to gain some experience of the practical aspects of sampling *** This exercise is formally assessed and counts 10\% towards your result*** Consider the Band-limited function defined by the following MatLab M-File function : function res=BLF(t) res=cos(t)+4/5*sin(3*t)-1/6*cos(5*t)+2/7*cos(7*t); Determine the Nyquist frequency for this function and sample it i) above ii) below the Nyquist frequency write functions to reconstruct BLF at a higher sampling rate than either a) or b) using \begin{enumerate} \item Time-domain interpolation with a Sinc function \item Fourier domain interpolation by zero-filling \end{enumerate} compare the results to that obtained by directly sampling BLF at the higher sampling rate. Compare the timings in cases a) and b) [In MatLab use the "Tic Toc" function or some other timing function ]. You may find that the reconstructed signal is scaled and time-shifted - explain why and find a correction either in the Fourier domain, or the temporal domain Repeat the above using an unbounded function in the frequency domain such as a Gaussian. In this case the reconstruction can never avoid aliasing. Make estimates of errors as a function of sampling interval Use Fourier zero-filling to implement interpolation for a 2D digital image and compare with any other method (nearest neighbour, linear interpolation)that you have been introduced to in the Machine Vision course. Notes : Your coursework should consist of program code, results and a short discussion (probably not more than 4 pages). Here is a MatLab routine to read in a bitmap image: imread('filename.bmp','bmp') Similarly other image formats can be read. To interpolate an image, for example resize it, you can use the imresize function in the Image Processing Toolbox.