I have published over 150 papers, a numberb of books, have lectured in over 45 countries, have been an invited speaker at a number of international conferences, and been interviewed by the media and televion on numerous occasions.
Recent publications include
1. Treleaven, P.C. and Wells, J., "3D Body Scanning and Healthcare Applications", IEEE COMPUTER, July 2007..
2. Wells, J.K., Treleaven, P.C., Bruner, D., and Cole, T.J., "Body shape in American and British adults: between-country and inter-ethnic comparisons". International Journal of Obesity, August 2007.
3. Wells, J.K., Treleaven, P.C., and Cole, T.J., " BMI compared with 3-dimensional body shape: the UK National Sizing Survey", American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 85, No. 2, 419-425, February 2007.
4. Treleaven, P.C., and Emmott, S., “Intelligent Media”, True Visions: Tales on the Realisation of Ambient Intelligence (ed. Emile Aarts), Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2006).
5. Treleaven, P.C., Furnham, A. and Swami, V. “Science of Body Metrics”, Psychology Magazine, vol. 19 (2006).
6. Treleaven, P.C., “Sizing us Up”, IEEE Spectrum, vol. 41, pp28-31, 2004.
7. Bougourd, J., Treleaven, P. and Allen, R.M. (March 2004) The UK National Sizing Survey Using 3D Body Scanning. Eurasia-Tex Conference, Donghua University, Shanghai, China
8. Bougourd, J. and Treleaven, P. (November 2002) Capturing the Shape of the Nation. Fashion & Textiles: the New Frontiers - Design, Technology and Business, IFFTI Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9. Ruiz, M.C., Buxton, B.F., Douros, I. And Treleaven P.C., “Web-based Software Tools for 3D Body database access and shape analysis”, Proc. Numerisation 3D scanning, Paris 2002.
In addition, the Sunday Times Colour Magazine produced an article covering my work on 3D Body scanning and Made-to-measure clothing (2002), and the Sunday Telegraph published an article on my Financial Computing course (2007).