Previous Activities
- 20 Sept 2016 business meeting, Zurich.
- 4-8 July 2016 presenting paper at ALife XV, Cancun, Mexico.
- 22 April 2016 Invited keynote for Cognitive Computing event, Kensington Roof Gardens.
- 11 April 2016 Assessor for ASSISI EU project, Brussels.
- 1 February 2016 Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 10 December 2015 "Relax, it's only AI" Keynote speech, The Royal Institution.
- 21 Oct-5 Nov 2015 Visit to NII, Tokyo, Japan.
- 21-24 September 2015 Invited keynote at SYNASC 2015, Timisoara, Romania.
- 12-16 May 2015 Conference review meetings. Pisa/Florence, Italy.
- 6-8 May 2015 Assessor for ASSISI EU project, Zagreb, Croatia.
- 10 April 2015 PhD examiner for Daniel Jones, Goldsmiths College, UCL.
- 2 February 2015 Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 8 December 2014 Invited talk for NII, Tokyo, Japan.
- 13 January 2015 Interviewed for ITN 10 o'clock news, London.
- 8 December 2014 Invited talk for NII, Tokyo, Japan.
- 5 December 2014 Keynote speech for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, Shenzhen, China.
- 22 November 2014 Invited talk for the MedTech conference, UCL.
- 10-14 November 2014 Invited talk for UCL's DigiFest.
- 5-6 June 2014. NASCENCE project review meeting for EU. Brussels, Belgium.
- 15 May 2014. Filming for Guardian Science Videos with Dominic Burgess. UCL, London.
- 17-20 March 2014. Meeting with Senplus. Seoul, Korea.
- 9-22 March 2014. Visit to NII, Tokyo, Japan, with side trip:
- 27 January - 4 February 2014. Chinese New Year in Penang, Malaysia.
- 4-5 December 2013. NASCENCE review meeting for EU. Brussels, Belgium.
- 21 November 2013. PhD Application talk for UCL Grad School.
- 16 November 2013 Invited talk for the MedTech conference, UCL.
- 1 October 2013 Keynote lecture for the first National Science Communication Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- 27 September 2013 Invited appearance at the Discovery Festival, Netherlands.
- 5 July 2013 Host of Royal Society special cafe scientifique.
- 18 to 24 June 2013 Presenting a paper at CEC 2013, Cancun, Mexico.
- 31 May to 9 June 2013 Visit to SOSE 2013, Maui, Hawaii.
- 1 to 13 April 2013 Invited talks at NII, Tokyo, Japan.
- 17 January 2013. PhD Application talk for UCL Grad School.
- 11 Dec 2012 External PhD examiner for Min Shi, Trondheim, Norway.
- 29 Nov 2012 External PhD examiner for Daniel Richards, Manchester.
- 12 Oct 2012 Invited speaker for TEDxBermuda, Bermuda.
- 26-28 September 2012 Keynote speech at the 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2012), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- 19-22 July 2012 Presenting paper at ALife 2012, East Lansing, USA.
- 7-12 July 2012 Presenting paper at GECCO 2012, Philadelphia, USA.
- 27 June 2012 Invited talk on Digitized for OUP, Oxford.
- 3 June 2012 Invited speaker for TEDxUCL.
- 8 May 2012 Invited plenary at KAIST for the 10th anniversary symposium of the Bioinformation Sytems National Research Lab, Korea.
- 24 April 2012 Running PASCAL Classifying Heart Sounds Workshop, La Palma, Canary Islands.
- 28 March 2012 Invited talk at Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering, Sheffield University.
- 26 March 2012. Official launch of my book Digitized at Waterstones, Gower St, London.
- 9-10 February 2012 ITFoM Face to Face Meeting, Berlin.
- 7-8 February 2012. Keynote speaker for Royal Institution young people, Disneyland Paris.
- 16 January 2012. PhD Application talk for UCL Grad School.
- 8 January 2012 Invited postscreening talk on robotics for science in the pub at Clapham Picturehouse.
- 7-9 December 2011 ITFoM B-Team Meeting, Vienna.
- 14 November 2011. PhD Application talk for UCL Grad School.
- 12-16 October 2011. Keynote speaker at the International MEMICS workshop, Lednice, Czech Rep.
- 28 September 2011 Invited speaker at iOS App Workshop event, London.
- 7-9 September 2011 ITFoM B-Team Meeting, Berlin.
- 26 July 2011. External PhD examiner for Yerbol Sapargaliyev, Brunel University, London.
- 11-16 July 2011. Presenting paper at GECCO 2011, Dubin.
- 7 July 2011. Filming for BBC World TV's Health Show, London.
- 16 June 2011. Chair for panel debate on iOS apps, for UCLAdvances course on mobile apps, UCL.
- 20 May - 1 June 2011. Trip to ICSE, Hawaii.
- 12 May 2011. Invited speaker for CREST COW Workshop, UCL, London.
- 7 April 2011. Invited speaker for MSc in Medical Informatics of the University of Porto, Portugal.
- 28-29 March 2011. UCL CS academic staff away day; invited talk on Press and Media.
- 11 March 2011. PhD examiner for Dan Bratton, Goldsmiths College, London.
- 22 February 2011 (and weekly x5). Lecturing for the UCL CS MSc course on Evolutionary Computation.
- 28 January 2011. Invited speaker at synthetic biology workshop, Nottingham University.
- 9-10 November 2010. Keynote speaker at "New Frontiers in Science" A*STAR Conference, Singapore.
- 8 November 2010. Lecture for Infuse, A*STAR, Singapore.
- 8 November 2010. Two Lectures for the DSO National Laboratories, Singapore.
- 4 November 2010. Lecture for the Postdoc Society, A*STAR, Singapore.
- 29 September 2010. Examining Alexis Kirke PhD at Plymouth University.
- 6-8 September 2010. Presenting paper at the 9th International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES 2010), York.
- 31 August-2 September 2010. Attending PASCAL 2 Workshop on Applications of Pattern Analysis, Cumberland Lodge.
- 19-23 August 2010. Presenting paper at the 12th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE XII), Odense, Denmark.
- 22 July 2010. Invited evening speaker for the Systematic Exhibition at 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London.
- 3-5 March 2010. Invited participant and speaker at ESF Workshop on Natural Resources for Innovative Design, Eindhoven University of Technology.
- 25 February 2010. Talk for Digital Anthropology Group, UCL.
- 11 February 2010. Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 4 February 2010. Presenting work on Social Robots Project at the Crucible Research Showcase, House of Lords, Westminster.
- 18 January 2010. Invited workshop on PhD Application Tips, for the Postgraduate Association, UCL.
- 15 January 2010. External Ph.D. examiner for Ciaran Kelly, Dublin City University.
- 22-28 November 2009. Invited scientist at Wellcome-sponsored Crossover Event for film makers, television producers, games designers and scientists, Nantwich, UK.
- 19 October 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: The History of Evolution with author Fern Elsdon-Baker.
- 29 September 2009. Invited talk on The Undercover Scientist at the popular science book group of Science London, the Central London branch of the British Science Association.
- 21 September 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: Quantum Physics with author Manjit Kumar
- 20 July 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: Do you want it right or do you want it now? Science and the media.
- 3-15 July 2009. Speaking at several events of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- 15 June 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: Is internet-based social networking antisocial?
- 11 May 2009. Invited speaker at UCL’s Symposium on Public Communication, UCL.
- 18 May 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: The New Science of Complexity
- 4 May 2009. Invited panel speaker in debate on Life - just not as we know it at the The 8th London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantastic Film, The Apollo Piccadilly Circus, London.
- 20 April 2009. Hosting Café Scientifique at the Royal Institution: Is Education the Best Medicine?
- 27 March - 5 April 2009. Participating in the NSF/EPSRC Sandpit on Synthetic Biology, Virginia, USA.
- 17 March 2009. Invited “Brown Bag” talk at Rolf Pfeifer’s AI Lab, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich.
- 10 March 2009. Invited workshop on PhD Application Tips, for the Postgraduate Association, UCL.
- 11 February 2009. Invited talk for Conference on Digital Lives at the British Library, London.
- 5 February 2009. Chair of talk by Eduardo Miranda for the ‘Directions in Musical Research’ series at the Institute of Musical Research.
- 22 January 2009. Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 2 October 2008. Invited talk at Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems Group, University of Bristol.
- 11-12 September 2008. Final PACE review, Dortmund, Germany.
- 7-16 August 2008. General chair of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2008), Phuket, Thailand.
- 30 June-1 July 2008 Attending Applied AIS workshop, Nottingham.
- 30 May – 7 June 2008. Invited speaker at International workshop on biomimetic complex system design, KAIST, DAEJEON, Korea (and Seoul and JeJu).
- 23 May 2008. Examining PhD student at Goldsmiths College.
- 6 May 2008 Attending SMART meeting, Bristol.
- 24 April 2008 Workshop in York for BAe Systes project
- 30 March-6 April 2008. Attending ACST 2008 in Langkawi, Malaysia.
- 26 March 2008 Workshop in London for BAe Systems project.
- 11 March 2008 Meeting at York for BAE Systems project.
- 3-5 March 2008. Reviewing proposals for the EU. Brussels, Belgium.
- 12 February 2008 Meeting at Bristol for BAE Systems project.
- 26-30 January 2008. Invited talk “Popularising the Science and Researchers of PASCAL” at the PASCAL Symposium. Bled, Slovenia.
- 7 January 2008. Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 8-16 December 2007. Attending the International Workshop on Natural Computing. Nagoya, Japan.
- 24 November 2007. Invited talk for AHRC ICT Network Symposium: Visions and Imagination: Advanced ICT in Art and Science. UCL.
- 18 September 2007. Invited talk “Systemic computation: how biology computes” for IET London Branch, Hammersmith Novotel.
- 20-24 August 2007. Invited summer school talk at 2nd International Summer School on Collective Intelligence and Evolution. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 7-11 July 2007, Local organiser and Publicity Chair of GECCO 2007, UCL, London.
- 8 June 2007. Invited speaker at “You, Robot?” debate in Cheltenham Town Hall, at the Cheltenham Science Festival, with Lola Cañamero and Mark Miodownik.
- 21-26 May 2007. PACE review and Living Technology conference, Venice.
- 18 May 2007. Arts and Science Research Fellowships scheme discussion group event. MRC, London.
- 20 April 2007. CoMPLEX and MAPS research speed dating, UCL Old Refectory.
- 2-5 April 2007. Invited speaker at workshop on bio-inspired design of self-organising biological and wireless networks. Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
- 9 March 2007. Attending the Complexity Science Landscaping Workshop, run by EPSRC, London.
- 9 February 2007. Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 19 January 2007. Siavash Mahdavi's PhD viva, UCL, UK.
- 17 January 2007. Attending DTC Workshop on Engineering Architectures for Autonomous Systems, BAE Systems Insyte Frimley, UK.
- 21-22 November 2006. Giving talk at ARTIST Workshop. York, UK.
- 8-9 November 2006. Basic Tech interview, London.
- 20 October 2006. Author’s talk on PhD Application Handbook, Graduate School, UCL.
- 6 October 2006. Internal PhD examiner for Arlene Ong, Kings College London.
- 9-13 September 2006. Presenting paper at PPSN 2006, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- 3-7 September 2006. Presenting paper at ICARIS 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 22-26 August 2006. Visiting Supi Ujjin and others at NEC-TEC, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 18-22 August 2006. Exernal PhD examiner for Gu Zhenyu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- 8-9 June 2006. PACE EU Project assessment. Venice, Italy.
- 6 April 2006. Screentest for BBC Science, White City, London.
- 16 March 2006. Lecture for the M.Sc on InterDisciplinary Management of Projects, CEMI, UCL.
- 3 March 2006. Lecture for MSc on Adaptive Architecture and Computation, Bartlett, UCL.
- 09 February 2006. Gordana Novakovic, artist in conversation with scientist Peter Bentley. Digital Studios: Thursday Club, Goldsmiths.
- 31 January 2006. Lunch Hour Lecture, Darwin Theatre, UCL.
- 14 December 2006. Invited seminar for UCL’s Natural Science Club.
- 28 November - 7 December 2005. Keynote address for Third Iteration, the third international conference on generative systems in the electronic arts. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
- 11/14 November 2005. Kings College MA Digital Culture Programme Board meeting.
- 24-28 October. EC project evalution, Brussels
- 20 October 2005. ARTIST Executive meeting, York.
- 13-16 October 2005. Invited talk for Workshop on "Synthetic Biology: Constructing and Deconstructing Life". Castilla, Spain.
- 21 September 2005. EPSRC Panel review.
- 5-9 September 2005. Co-organisor of ECAL 2005. Canterbury, UK.
- 13-20 August 2005. Co-organisor of ICARIS 2005. Banff, Canada.
- 16,17 July 2005. Exhibiting our snakebot at the Royal International Air Tattoo 2005, RAF Fairford.
- 25-29 June 2005. Attending GECCO conference. Washington DC, USA.
- 19, 20 May 2005. PACE EU Project assessment. Venice, Italy.
- 26-27 April 2005. Attending ARTIST Workshop 2. Nottingham, UK.
- 16 March 2005. Attending ODISSIAC (vertical) meeting, York.
- 12-13 February 2005. Invited seminar at Goldsmiths/Arts Council England conference Creative Evolution, Goldsmiths College, London.
- 1-5 February 2005. Invited seminar for Hull Time Based Arts GAGE Festival, Hull, UK.
- December 9,10, 2004. Paper presentation at Cellular Computing Symposium, Warwick.
- December 2-5, 2004. Invited seminar at 5th Internatonal EMBL PhD Students Symposium, European Molecular Biology Lab, Heidelberg, Germany.
- November 8, 2004. Science Media Day at Science Media Centre.
- October 22-24, 2004. Invited speaker at Symposium on Distributed Form: Network Practice. University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- September 13-16, 2004, Co-organising 3rd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2004), Catania, Italy.
- September 7, 2004. Examining Ph.D. student. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- June 26-30, 2004. Presenting papers at GECCO 2004. Seattle, USA.
- May 27, 28, 2004. SEEDS meeting, Bristol.
- May 24, 2004. Invited seminar at University of Essex.
- May 19, 2004. Giving talk on fractal proteins at CoMPLEX, UCL.
- May 10-11, 2004. Invited talk at ARTIST Workshop, York.
- March 22-28, 2004. Talk and discussions at KAIST, S. Korea.
- March 17,18 2004. SEEDS meeting. Edinburgh.
- February 25-27, 2004. Attending an EU-STREP: Mini-Symposium. Max Plank Institute, Stuttgart.
- January 22 2004, first meeting on Immune Danger Theory project, Bristol.
- November 30-December 16 2003 ACAL 2003, Canberra, Australia (and also trips to Hong Kong, Sydney and Cairns).
- November 13,14 2003, attending second SEEDS cluster meeting, York, UK.
- November 11 2003, ARTIST meeting, room 214, UCL.
- November 5,6,7 2003, attending IVIS cluster meeting, York, UK.
- October 24-Nov 2 2003, Visit to Denver, UNM, Sante Fe, etc, USA (fact-finding trip).
- October 1 2003, Intelligent Media Institute research workshop, UCL.
- September 13-18 2003, ECAL 2003 conference, Dortmund, Germany (presenting paper).
- September 9-11 2003, IPCAT 2003 conference, Lausanne, Switzerland (presenting paper).
- September 6-9 2003, festival ars electronica, Linz, Austria (speech and chair of debate).
- August 31-September 4 2003, ICARIS 2003, Edinburgh (conference chair).
- August 26-28 2003, co-organising "Symposium on Evolvability, Genetics & Development in Natural and Constructed Systems", Hatfield, UK.
- June 3, 2003, BLIP talk, Sussex University, UK.
- May 26-27, 2003, Acting as external examiner for Andrew Sherlock, Edinburgh
- May 12, 2003, 4.00pm, Giving a seminar at Dept of Computer Science, University of Birmingham.
- March 28, 2003, Giving a seminar and colloquium at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA.
- March 26, 2003, NASA Ames Research Center. (seminar)
- March 24-26, 2003 AAAI symposium on computational synthesis Stanford University, Palo Alto, California (invited speaker).
- March 17-20, 2003 ICES 2003 Trondheim, Norway. (Holding Tutorial on Evolutionary Computation and presenting papers.)
- December 4, 2002 Talk at York University.
- November 15, 2002 Talk on Digital Biology at UCL’s Massey Theatre for UCL Science Centre (for Schools).
- November 6, 2002 Talk at Kings College London.
- September 9-11, 2002 ICARIS 2002 Canterbury, England. (Conference chair.)
- September 7, 2002 Meeting on Computational Models in Design and Planning Support, London, organised by CASA. (Invited talk.)
- August 24-September 1, 2002 EvoNet 2002 Summer School Szeged, Hungary. (Invited senior.)
- July 14-17, 2002 Brandeis University, Boston, USA. (Examining PhD Greg Hornby)
- July 7-13, 2002 GECCO 2002 New York. (Holding Tutorial on Creative Evolutionary Systems and Chairing ISGEC Workshop on Standards)
- May 12-17, 2002 CEC 2002 Honolulu, Hawaii. (Presenting papers and session chair.)
- April 23, 24, 2002 Vanguard Conference Toronto, Canada. (Invited speech.)
- Co-chair with Jon Timmis of ICARIS 2002.
- Use of Artificial Immune Systems to automatically detect intrusions in computer networks (with Jungwon Kim).
- Plantworld – the development of evolutionary ecologies of plants in realistic environments (with Jacqui Dyer).
- Organising the first ISGEC Workshop on Standards at GECCO 2002.
- August 24-September 1 EvoNet 2002 Summer School Szeged, Hungary. (Invited senior.)
- July 14-17 Brandeis University, Boston, USA. (Examining PhD Greg Hornby)
- July 7-13 GECCO 2002 New York. (Holding Tutorial on Creative Evolutionary Systems and Chairing ISGEC Workshop on Standards)
- May 12-17 CEC 2002 Honolulu, Hawaii. (Presenting papers and session chair.)
- April 23, 24 Vanguard Conference Toronto, Canada. (Invited speech.)
- Digital Biology - investigating the similarities between different biologically-inspired software approaches.
- Working with the BBC Natural History Unit on a Radio 4 documentary.
- Co-convenor of Workshop on Creative Evolutionary Design in GECCO 2000.
- Writing papers with people such as Una-May O’Reilly.
- Editing the book Creative Evolutionary Systems with David Corne, to be published by Morgan Kaufmann Pub.
- Guest editor with David Corne of a special issue on Creative Evolutionary Systems in IJAI
- Use of GAs/GP to evolve fuzzy rules for the identification of fraudulent insurance claims (with Hugh Mallinson). [Note that the system will not run parallel GAs with NT 4 SP5 or above unless security features are disabled.]
- Guest editor for three special issues on Evolutionary Design in AIEDAM journal.
- Convenor with Xiaohui Liu of the mini-EC symposium.
- Convenor with David Corne of AISB 1999 Workshop on Creative Evolutionary Systems
- Co-chair of 'Design Support Systems' session in the WSC3 conference.
- Convenor of Workshop on Evolutionary Design at AID '98, Portugal, July 1998.
- With Tina Yu: investigation of constraint handing with GP and GAs.
- Use of GAs to perform preliminary floor-planning of hospital departments.
- Consultancy work on use of GAs to optimize algorithmic computer vision control parameters.
- Ph.D. in Generic Evolutionary Design of Solid Objects using a GA. (reviewed separately as "impressive", "exceptionally interesting" and "ground-breaking work").
- Investigation and comparison of Multiobjective GAs.
- Investigation of GAs with variable-length chromosomes.
- Use of GAs to evolve artificial competing creatures, playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilema.
Visit Peter's Book Site to see details of his books.