Iasonas Kokkinos

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, University College London
66-72 Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK

CEO and Co-Founder
Ariel AI

CV google scholar latest works


With George Papandreou, Alp Guler, and Stefanos Zafeiriou we have co-founded Ariel AI.
I will be presenting at the machines can see summit.
Three papers accepted to CVPR 2019.

Biosketch (full CV)

I received the Diploma and Ph.D. degrees in 2001 and 2006 from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in NTUA , working in the Computer Vision and Signal Processing group.
After obtaining my Ph.D. I joined Prof. Yuille's group as a postdoc in UCLA between 2006 and 2008.

In Sep. 2008 I have joined Ecole Centrale Paris as Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, working in the Center for Visual Computing laboratory, and the GALEN research team of INRIA-Saclay.
Starting from 2016 I have been with UCL's department of Computer Science and was working with Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) team until November 2018. I am currently working with Ariel AI.