Graham Roberts
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I am a the Departmental Tutor and Director of Studies in UCL Computer Science. I originally graduated with a BSc. hons degree (1st) in Computer Science from Queen Mary College, University of London in 1984. I have since acquired an MSc in advanced computer science and a PhD (thesis title: SmallType - A Type Declaration and Type Checking System for Smalltalk-80).

While at UCL I have taught various courses on programming (including C++, Java, Groovy and other languages) and on Software Engineering. I currently teach courses on programming using C, Java other languages. I also supervise a wide range of project work. On the research side I have spent much time looking at parallel object-oriented design and programming. My current research interests lie in the areas of architecture, patterns, test-first programming, mobile development and understanding how people can write reliable, good quality code.

My Office:

This is where it all happens! Enter at your own peril...

Picture of my office

Old Office:

This is where used to all happen on the 6th floor but I've now moved to the 5th floor. Computer Science moved to this building at the end of 2004, so there was time for it to acquire that 'lived-in' look and lots of things piled on shelves and the floor.

Picture of my office


The (old office) Door. Now go to room 5.07a. In theory always open, in practice fairly often closed, as I am frequently somewhere else (lectures, meetings and stuff). If you need to see me (as Departmental Tutor) and I'm not there, see the Undergraduate Administrator in 5.22.

My office door


A view out of the window. Mostly a collection of roofs and chimneys of various kinds. Also a view of the dome (although that is also a kind of roof really...). The dome looks rather small and unimpressive from this position - we should start a UCL Campaign for a Bigger Dome.

The white and green stripey building top left is part of University College Hospital (UCH). Contrary to what many believe UCH is not actually part of UCL as it belongs to the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust but there are very close connections with the college. The glass-roofed building to the right of UCH is the Wellcome Trust headquarters.

View out of the window

Last updated: September 2012

Computer Science Department - University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT - Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 7214 - Copyright ©2012 UCL

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