function [XYZ_mm, XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, trg, xfrm, src) % map_coords -- map between coordinate systems/spaces % from (target) image voxel space to world/mm space, optionally to % registered (source) world coords, and optionally to source voxel space. % (special case: can also map from world space to voxel space for target, % see first example below) % % Registered coordinates (in world/mm space) can be due to: % - affine registration (e.g. reorient, realign, coreg) % - spatial normalisation using DCT % (e.g. SPM2 "Normalise" sn.mat or SPM5 "Segment" seg_sn.mat) % - high dimensional warping (using HDW toolbox) % % Coords can be passed in for n points as a 3-by-n matrix with rows for % x, y and z components; or as a 4-by-n matrix of homogeneous coordinates % (i.e. with a fourth row of all ones). The same will be returned. % % Pass empty arguments ('') to get GUI selection prompts. % If an sn.mat is passed, trg will be ignored, and the target from the sn % will be used; if src is unspecified, the source from the sn will be used. % If an HDW deformation field is selected trg is ignored. % % Examples: % % % map from world to voxel coords (special case) % [XYZ_mm XYZ_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_mm, img); % (XYZ_mm unaltered) % % % affine: % % map from voxel to world coords: % [XYZ_mm] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, img); % % map to world coordinates, and then to voxel coords in source image: % % (note, use zero (0) to specify no transformation; empty ('') prompts) % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, trg, 0, src); % % % normalisation: % % map from template voxel coords to DCT normalised source world coords % [XYZ_mm] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'blah_sn.mat'); % % same, and then to source voxel coords as well % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'sn.mat', src); % % same, using source from sn.mat % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'sn.mat'); % % to map from source to template, invert the sn.mat (e.g. using the % % deformations utility and then use the resulting y_ deformation field) % % % unified segmentation: % % from template voxel space to native subject world and voxel space: % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'seg_sn.mat'); % % from native subject voxel space to template world and voxel space: % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'seg_inv_sn.mat'); % % % high-dimensional warping / y_ deformation field: % % from target voxel space to source world and voxel space % [XYZ_mm XYZ_src_vx] = map_coords(XYZ_vx, '', 'y_img.nii', src); % % Ged Ridgway (drc.spm at if nargin < 2 error('map_coords:usage',... 'Must specify at least coords and trg; empty [] for GUI prompt') end % Input coordinates if isempty(XYZ_vx) XYZ_vx = spm_input('voxel coords? ', '+1', 'r', '1 1 1', [Inf 3])'; end n = size(XYZ_vx, 2); % number of points if size(XYZ_vx, 1) == 3 % note to return 3*n later homog = false; % make homogeneous XYZ_vx = [XYZ_vx; ones(1, n)]; elseif size(XYZ_vx, 1) == 4 homog = true; else error('map_coords:dims',... 'coord array must have 3 or 4 rows: [x;y;z] or [x;y;z;1]') end % Coordinate mapping if ~exist('xfrm', 'var') || ~ischar(xfrm) % affine only if isempty(trg) trg = spm_select(1, 'image', 'Choose target image'); end trg = spm_vol(trg); XYZ_mm = trg.mat * XYZ_vx; xfrm = []; % (now set to empty) elseif isempty(xfrm) xfrm = spm_select([0 1], 'any',... 'Select transformation file (e.g. sn.mat or HDW y_ field',... '', pwd, '\.(mat|img|nii)$'); % (empty if user chooses nothing) end if ~isempty(xfrm) if ~isempty(regexp(xfrm, 'sn\.mat$', 'once')) % DCT sn structure XYZ_mm = sn_trgvx2srcmm(XYZ_vx, xfrm); elseif ~isempty(regexp(xfrm, 'y_.*(nii|img)$', 'once')) % HDW transformation field XYZ_mm = hdw_trgvx2srcmm(XYZ_vx, xfrm); else error('map_coords:xfrm', 'unrecognised transformation file') end elseif ~exist('XYZ_mm', 'var') error('map_coords:nothingdoing',... 'failed to select target image or transformation, nothing to do!') end % Optional mapping from source world space (mm) to source voxel space if nargout > 1 if exist('src', 'var') if isempty(src) src = spm_select(1, 'image', 'Choose source image'); end src = spm_vol(src); XYZ_src_vx = src.mat \ XYZ_mm; elseif ischar(xfrm) && ~isempty(regexp(xfrm, 'sn\.mat$', 'once')) load(xfrm, 'VF'); XYZ_src_vx = VF.mat \ XYZ_mm; elseif exist('trg', 'var') % assume input actually world coords, and desired vox coord output XYZ_mm = XYZ_vx; XYZ_src_vx = trg.mat \ XYZ_mm; else error('map_coords:src_vx',... 'source image (or sn.mat) not specified, but src_vx requested') end end % Use consistent style of coordinates between input and output if ~homog % drop homogeneous ones from output XYZ_mm(4, :) = []; if exist('XYZ_src_vx', 'var') XYZ_src_vx(4, :) = []; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function coord = sn_trgvx2srcmm(coord, matname) % src_mm = sn_trgvx2srcmm(trg_vx, matname) % Based on John Ashburner's get_orig_coord5.m sn = load(matname); Tr = sn.Tr; if numel(Tr) ~= 0 % DCT warp: trg_vox displacement d = sn.VG(1).dim(1:3); % (since VG may be 3-vector of TPM volumes) dTr = size(Tr); basX = spm_dctmtx(d(1), dTr(1), coord(1,:)-1); basY = spm_dctmtx(d(2), dTr(2), coord(2,:)-1); basZ = spm_dctmtx(d(3), dTr(3), coord(3,:)-1); for i = 1:size(coord, 2) bx = basX(i, :); by = basY(i, :); bz = basZ(i, :); tx = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,1),dTr(1)*dTr(2),dTr(3))*bz',dTr(1),dTr(2) ); ty = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,2),dTr(1)*dTr(2),dTr(3))*bz',dTr(1),dTr(2) ); tz = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,3),dTr(1)*dTr(2),dTr(3))*bz',dTr(1),dTr(2) ); coord(1:3,i) = coord(1:3,i) + [bx*tx*by' ; bx*ty*by' ; bx*tz*by']; end end % Affine: trg_vox (possibly displaced by above DCT) to src_vox coord = sn.VF.mat * sn.Affine * coord; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function coord = hdw_trgvx2srcmm(coord, hdwim) % src_mm = hdw_trgvx2srcmm(trg_vx, y_hdw) inds = round(coord(1:3, :)); if abs(coord(1:3, :) - inds) > 0.01 warning('map_coords:hdw_rounding',... 'target voxel coords rounded for HDW') end W = nifti(hdwim); for i = 1:size(coord, 2) ind = inds(:, i); coord(1:3, i) = squeeze(W.dat(ind(1), ind(2), ind(3), 1, 1:3)); end