function make_majority_mask(thr, cons, bfn, files, userglobs) % make_majority_mask(thr, cons, bfn, files, userglobs) % % Create mask based on consensus of cons images being above threshold thr. % cons may be specified as a number of images or as a fraction (<=1) of % the total number later selected (cons=1 will be treated as 100%, while % cons=1.1 will be rounded down to 1 image). Either/both thr and cons may % be vectors, in which case all their combinations will be evaluated. % % If any thresholds are negative, their absolute values will be used to % derive thresholds *relative* to each image's total GM volume in litres. % Or relative to the elements of the userglobs vector if this is specified. % Note that this differs from relative thresholding in SPM, which is based % on spm_global's mean(mean/8) heuristic. To get that use imaginary thr(s). % % Mask images are saved with filename bfn (suffixed with cons and thr), % bfn can include a path, which defaults to the current dir. % % If 'files' is a single SPM.mat file, its list of scans will be reused. % If files is empty or unspecified, interactive GUI selection will be used. % % Examples: % % make_majority_mask; % no arguments % % default to an absolute threshold of 0.1, a consensus of 70%, % % a basename of 'mjr_mask', with GUI selection of input images. % % make_majority_mask([0.05 0.8i -0.4], [0.5 0.7 1], bfn, files) % % This will use an absolute threshold of 0.05, and thresholds of .8 % % and .4 respectively, relative to the "global" mean value and total in % % litres. Consensus fractions of 50, 70, and 100 percent will be used, % % giving a total of 9 mask options. thr0.05_cons1 and thr0.8i_cons1 % % should match the equivalents from the usual SPM estimation. % % Regarding "implicit masking" (with NaN or zero), note that (nan > thr) is % always false, so any non-zero threshold will include implicit masking. % % See also: opt_thresh, make_fslvbm_mask, make_const_mask % % Please reference: Ridgway et al. (in press) Neuroimage % % pre-print available from % % Email with any questions % % Note that SPM's estimation process also automatically masks out voxels % where the data are constant. This means it is possible for the resulting % mask.img (in the SPM results directory) to exclude some voxels present in % the explicit mask. However, this is likely to be rare if the explicit % mask is built using this script with any non-zero threshold, since voxels % are only typically constant if they are zero in all scans. The script % make_const_mask may be useful to see this effect in advance, though note % that if you are building a mask from different scans to those you will % test (e.g. a mask from a balanced subset, or one mask used for several % techniques) you probably don't want to use this, as the test data might % not be constant where the mask data was. [spm5 select fparts] = check_spm_setup; % Default arguments if ~exist('thr','var') || isempty(thr) thr = 0.1; disp(['using default threshold ' num2str(thr)]); end if ~exist('cons','var') || isempty(cons) cons = 0.7; disp(['using default consensus fraction ' num2str(cons)]); end if ~exist('bfn', 'var') || isempty(bfn) bfn = 'mjr_mask'; end [pth fnm ext] = fparts(bfn); if isempty(ext); ext = '.img'; end bfn = fullfile(pth, fnm); % (add ext back in create_masks) thr = thr(:); cons = cons(:); % force column vectors (or scalars) % Get filenames or SPM.mat if ~exist('files', 'var') || isempty(files) files = select('Select images/masks or SPM.mat'); drawnow end if size(files, 1) == 1 && ~isempty(regexp(files, 'SPM.mat$', 'once' )) load(files); % load SPM.mat files = char(SPM.xY.P); end if size(files, 1) < 1, error('No files specified'); end vols = spm_vol(files); if spm5 spm_check_orientations(vols); % (Could resample vols into space of 1st) end % Setup output volume MV = vols(1); MV.pinfo = [1 0 0]'; if spm5, MV.dt(1) = spm_type('uint8'); else MV.dim(4) = spm_type('uint8'); end % Check userglobs if specified if exist('userglobs', 'var') userglobs = userglobs(:); if length(userglobs) ~= size(vols, 1); error('size(userglobs) should match size(files)'); elseif ~any(thr < 0) warning('make_majority_mask:unusedglobs', ... 'userglobs vector specified but ignored, since no rel. thr(s)') end else userglobs = []; end % Process images, recording information needed to build masks num_above = compute_num_above(thr, vols, userglobs); % Build masks and write to disk create_masks(thr, cons, bfn, ext, vols, num_above, MV); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function num_above = compute_num_above(thr, vols, userglobs) % Count supra-threshold voxels, i.e. each voxel in num_above is the number % of images which exceeded the threshold at that voxel. T = length(thr); num_above = cell(T, 1); for t = 1:T num_above{t} = zeros(vols(1).dim); end % Loop over images for n = 1:size(vols, 1) img = spm_read_vols(vols(n)); img(isnan(img)) = 0; % treat NaN as zero, leave +/- Inf (good idea?) Thr = thr; % copy so can override with per-image relative thresholds... if any(Thr < 0) if ~isempty(userglobs) glob = userglobs(n); else vxvol = abs(det(vols(n).mat(1:3,1:3))) / 1e6; % voxel volume glob = sum(img(:)) * vxvol; % total GM volume (in litres) end Thr(Thr < 0) = abs(Thr(Thr < 0)) * glob; end if any(imag(Thr)~=0) glob = spm_global(vols(n)); Thr(imag(Thr)~=0) = abs(Thr(imag(Thr)~=0)) * glob; end for t = 1:T num_above{t} = num_above{t} + ( img > Thr(t) ); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function create_masks(thr, cons, bfn, ext, vols, num_above, maskvol) N = size(vols, 1); % Ensure consensus is expressed as number of images, assuming % fraction rather than num of images if cons <= 1 consN = zeros(size(cons)); consN(cons <= 1) = max(round(cons(cons <= 1)*N), 1); consN(cons > 1) = min(round(cons(cons > 1)), N); % Create masks for t = 1:length(thr) if ~isreal(thr(t)) thrstr = sprintf('%gi', abs(thr(t))); else thrstr = sprintf('%g', thr(t)); % (handles negative okay) end for c = 1:length(consN) mask = num_above{t} >= consN(c); MV = maskvol; MV.fname = sprintf('%s_thr%s_cons%g%s', bfn, thrstr, cons(c), ext); spm_write_vol(MV, mask); end end