CS Z25/4C38: Mobile and Adaptive Systems
Meeting Times
UCL Term 2, Weeks 20-24 (9th January, 2006 - 10th February, 2006)
N.B. that the above times sum to seven hours per week, but the course
will typically meet six hours per week. Students should refer to the
detailed calendar below throughout the term to ensure they are up-to-date
on meeting times.
Detailed Course Calendar
Each paper appears in the calendar below on the day when it will
be covered in lecture. Students will find they get the most out of
lecture by far when they read papers before they are covered, and are
strongly encouraged to do so. Papers marked
Pre-Reading: must
be read before the day on which they appear in the calendar.
N.B. that all assigned readings (including those presented by
students at the end of the course) are examinable.
Assigned Readings (to be covered in lectures and discussions)
Steve Hailes:
Brad Karp:
Cecilia Mascolo:
Presentation Papers (to be presented by student groups)
N.B. that papers in red have been claimed by
groups for their presentations.
Steve Hailes:
Brad Karp:
Cecilia Mascolo:
Z25/4C38 Presentations Guidelines
Your coursework assignment will be a group
exercise to prepare and deliver a presentation as timetable above
All groups are listed here
Presentation schedule
The presentations will all take place in a 1 hour lecture slot of
Z25/4C38 during the last week of this half-term (06 Feb 2005 - 10 Feb
2006, inclusive). You will have 30mins for your presentation and then
20 minutes for questions from students and staff. So please show be
prompt in getting to the lecture room.
The paper allocation for each group and the schedule for
presentations is given above.
Submission of presentations material
A single electronic version of your slides (PDF or gzip'd PostScript)
should be sent as an email attachment no later than:
10am on Monday 6th February 2006
to all the lecturers:
C dot Mascolo at cs dot ucl dot ac dot uk
What you send us is what we expect you to use during your presentation
Presentation format
You can use OHP slides and/or laptop presentation with any other
appropriate materials or aids.
All group members should take a turn to speak, and should speak for
about the same amount of time.
Your presentation should include:
- a summary of the work/experiments in the paper
- the main conclusions drawn and why the work is important
- a critical appraisal of the work
- a summary and appraisal of some relevant/similar work in the area
At least 2 members of staff will be present for your
presentations. You will be assesed on [% of marks]:
- presentation structure and delivery [10%]
- a summary of the work in the paper and the main conclusions (a and b) [10%]
- a critical appraisal of work in the paper (c) [15%]
- a summary and appriasal of some relevant/similar work (d) [15%]
- responses to questions [10%]
- a short individual report (3 pages of A4 maximum,
plus references) discussing
the main issues with respect to future development and application
of the particular technology/system you have presented. This should be a
personal viewpoint backed-up by references to literature in support
of the statements in your discussion. [40%]
The marksheet that the assessors will be using for the presentations
can be found here.
Note that:
- 1-5 are group activities
- 6 is an individual activity
The submission date for the individual report will be:
Friday 17 February 2006
You will be required to submit the individual report electronically as
well as on paper and you will be sent further instructions by email on
how/when this should be done.