#VRML V2.0 utf8 Group { children [ Transform { translation 1 1 1 children [ DEF GEO1 Shape { geometry DEF SPH Sphere { radius 1 } } ] } Transform { translation 3 3 1 children [ DEF GEO2 Shape { geometry USE SPH } ] } ] } Transform { scale 4 4 4 children [ Transform { translation 3 1 2 children [ DEF GEO3 Shape { geometry USE SPH } ] } Transform { translation 1 3 2 children [ DEF GEO4 Shape { geometry USE SPH } ] } ] }
1(b) order to speed up the ray-tracing, the objects GEO1, GEO2, GEO3 and
GEO4 are to be stored in an octree. The root cell of the octree has
corners (0, 0, 0) and (16, 16, 16). What is the structure of the
octree and what are the values in the octree cells after subdivision
if the subdivision terminates when each cell contains a unique object?