What follows is the results of an experiment performed on EVA. The data was gathered from a Virtual Reality (VR) experiment on Fear of Public Speaking (FOPS). Users were asked to give a talk on a VR environment, on different settings. During the experiment, data was gathered based on physical (for example heart rate) and questionnaire responses. EVA was used on this particular data, with the aim of expressing the overall emotions of each of the users during their talk.

This experiment uses faces as the medium of visualisation of our data set. Therefore, by applying EVA, each human face represents the facial emotions a specific user had when giving a talk to either a virtual audience or to an empty room.

The subjects were initially distinguished as male/female, phobic/confident and whether they gave their VR talk to an empty audience or to an audience of virtual people as shown in below. There are a total of 40 subjects.
Condition Empty People
5 5
5 5
5 5
5 5

Here what is of interest to us is the difference in response, phobic and confident speakers have, to both audience conditions. In particular a relatively large difference is expected in fear (anxiety) for phobic users giving talks to a virtual audience rather than an empty room, whereas, the difference in fear for confident users should be relatively small with regards to the same two conditions. In general, it is also expected that the phobic users are more anxious than the confident ones, regardless of the condition the speech was given. The 13 variables used in this analysis are the following:

  1. Gender: Male or Female subjects.
  2. Anxiety Level:} Phobic or Confident subjects.
  3. Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE): A questionnaire driven measurement of social evaluative anxiety. It is measured out of 30, where 30 is a perfectly phobic response.
  4. State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI): A questionnaire driven measure of trait anxiety. Anxiety scores are in the range of 20, minimum anxiety, to 80 representing maximum anxiety.
  5. Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker (PRCS): A questionnaire driven measurement used to screen subjects for the experiment. The PRCS is scored out of 30, where 30 represents the response of a "pure" phobic user. Subjects were accepted if they scored 8 or less (confident group) and if they scored 20 or more (phobic group).
  6. Audience Type: Either empty or with a virtual audience.
  7. Presentations: A zero or one indicating whether users do not give presentations at all or they sometimes give presentations.
  8. Subject: A 1-7 scale indicating subjects' comfort with the subject of talk. A score of 1 indicates not at all comfortable.
  9. Prepared: A 1-7 scale indicating how prepared subjects felt for this talk, with 1 denoting not at all.
  10. Emotions before: A 0-100 score of confidence drawn out of 6 scales for adjectives (anxious, happy, confident, relaxed, sad, angry). Zero represents anxious, 100 confident.
  11. Emotions after: Same as above but this time after the talk was given.
  12. Self rate: a self assigned score out of 100 of their own performance.
  13. Somatic: A questionnaire driven measurement for subjectively assessed somatic responses.

Click here to see results from the experiment.