Eleventh International Workshop on
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Lake District, England, May 30 - June 1, 2006
Special session on
NMR Systems and Applications
In recent years, a number of systems implementing non-monotonic reasoning have
emerged. Yet favoured by the increasing performance of computer hardware, the
performance of the existing systems is already sufficient to enable industrial
applications of non-monotonic reasoning.
This special session aims to attract researchers interested in systems and
applications of non-monotonic reasoning.
We particularly encourage papers on NMR techniques which led to the
development of significant applications.
As well, we are interested not just in papers that apply traditional NMR
techniques, but also those that make use of newer or more recent
approaches, including applications of answer set programming, belief
revision, argumentation, etc.
The session on NMR systems and applications is a one-day event and the technical
program forms a part of the Eleventh Non-monotonic Reasoning Workshop (NMR2006),
to be held in in the Lake District area of the UK collocated with the KR 2006
Authors are invited to submit papers on NMR systems and applications.
The list of topics of interest includes but is not limited to:
Session co-chairs
Program committee
Submission details
All NMR-06 sessions have the same submission requirements. Submissions
are limited to 9 pages using KR paper format.
Send a PDF file with the submission to each
of the organizers by e-mail.
Important dates